Nov 05, 2009 00:25
- 13:32 New baby #3 in a span of 5 days. Welcome Roman! 5 out of 6 members of our wedding party had babies in 2009! @spncrrr happily missed the boat
- 18:18 Excited to have finally launched for our friend/former landlord Andy! Check it out!
Nov 01, 2009 00:25
- 18:21 No time for carving jack-o-lanterns this year, but the Candy tombstone made its debut...get it??? (Thanks Mike!)
- 19:36 I'm pretty sure the last Mom that came to our door had a bag for herself. Pretty sneaky and I fell for it. Tally: 19 (not including the mom)
Oct 31, 2009 00:25
- 10:13 Hate when I'm punished for being responsible. WF closed my 9 yr old credit card because I never use it. There goes my overdraft protection.
- 16:30 I'm now the proud Aunt of 4 nephews! Welcome to the family Zachary Andrew Candy!
Oct 28, 2009 00:25
- 09:35 On to day 3 of brutal headache. I need someone to do my work for me, k? I'll pay you in....cookies!? But you have to buy them yourself...
- 16:58 Headache-free! Think I might actually go outside and start winterizing my garden since I've been out of commission for the past few weeks.
Oct 27, 2009 00:25
- 21:59 Today hasn't been a good day...first a brutal headache and now a tummyache :( At least I've got some Battlestar Galactica to watch w/ stvn!