well the health update

Feb 21, 2004 11:30

it has been an ordeal ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

conformityvsme February 21 2004, 11:56:55 UTC
pogo.com seemed to make my time pass when I was in the hospital. If you are looking for something productive to do, this site is definatly NOT it.

Hope everything turns well and that you are back on your feet soon.


jinxmalone February 21 2004, 12:10:45 UTC
sonia, please take care of yourself. send me an e-mail at jinx at the-saucy-girl-lagoon dot com and i will send you all the treats you want. i could even bring them by, if you like.

if there is anything you need, don't hesitate to call me and let me know. i'll send you my cell and home phone.

lots of love and positive thoughts coming your way,



dreadeddragon February 21 2004, 12:29:15 UTC
ack that really sucks! *big hugs*


das_hydra February 21 2004, 13:07:48 UTC
*hugs* I hope you feel better soon hun! That walking pneumonia stuff can be killer :\


gnat23 February 21 2004, 13:23:28 UTC
eeek! Get well soon, babe!


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