Slow-Motion Accident - A Fanmix for Martha Jones

May 17, 2007 17:24

I'm back, better than ever, with a brand-new fanmix.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't think Martha has enough fanmix love. I'm just as guilty as the next person for fanmixing Doomsday obsessively, but seriously folks, give it a rest. Rose was great but it's time to let go, and embrace the awesomeness that is Martha Jones.

World Spins Madly On - The Weepies

Martha: He had this companion a while back, this friend, ever since then he’s been on his own. But sometimes, I say something, or do something and he looks at me and I just sort of think... he’s not seeing me. He’s just remembering.

It’s gotta suck standing in the shadow of Rose Tyler. Martha reflects on the Doctors previous companion, what it was that made her perfect, and why she just can’t compare.

Should I Stay - Gabrielle

Doctor: What do you say, one more trip?
Martha: No. Sorry.
Doctor: What do you mean, I thought you liked it?
Martha: I do. But I can’t go on like this, one more trip. It’s not fair.
Doctor: What are you talking about?
Martha: I don’t want to be just a passenger anymore. Someone you take along for a treat. That’s how you still see me. I’ll stay here.
Doctor: Okay then, if that’s what you want.

Martha might like the Doctor, but she doesn’t know if he’s worth the heartache. The problem is, she’s not sure she can just leave him.

(Can’t Get My) Head Around You - The Offspring

Lazarus: You’re so sentimental Doctor. Perhaps you are older than you look.
Doctor: Old enough to know a longer life isn’t neccisarily a better one. In the end you just get tired. Tired of the struggle, tired of losing everyone that matters, tired of watching everything turn to dust .

Martha just wants to help the Doctor heal. The Doctor is just a stubborn old alien.

Every You Every Me - Placebo

Martha:You're the one that kissed me.
Doctor: That was a genetic transfer.
Martha: And if you will wear a tight suit...
Doctor: Now... Don't!
Martha: And then travel all the way across the universe just to ask me on a date...
Doctor: Stop it.

The Doctor is completely aware of how much Martha fancies him. He knows he’s not making it better and he’ll only hurt her in the end, and he doesn’t care one little bit.

Are You Happy Now - Michelle Branch

Doctor: I lied to you. Because I liked it.

Martha learns some of the Doctors secrets, and wonders how many more he’s still hiding.

Hear Me Out - Frou Frou

Francine: She turned her back on us, went in there with that thing, for him?
Leo: He must be some guy.
Tish: Maybe she loves him.

Martha suspects the Doctors growing affections for her, but she’s well aware how many people he’s loved before.

It’s Alright With Me - John Barrowman

Doctor: Okay.
Martha: Oh thankyou, thankyou!
Doctor: Well, you never were just a passenger were you?

The Doctor realises he loves Martha for who she is, not who he wishes she might be, and he’s okay with it. No really.

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* Comments are love. You do love me don't you?
* Hotlinking is seriously uncool. Do it and I'll find you and hurt you.

martha jones, fanmix, ten/martha, doctor/martha

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