I’ve been getting home from work at around 5.30-5.40pm most days, unless I take a detour via a pub. I get to leave at 4.45pm most days as I am in at 8.45am most mornings. Whether my punctuality remains good only time will tell, but this is all very different my previous job and I find myself with a lot more free time. I’ve gotta start using this time more productively and really the main thing I should be focussing on is getting some damn exercise.
Getting in early meant that I was able to catch the Simpsons on BBC2 yesterday, which I used to always miss by the time I got back. It was the ep when Homer has a heart attack and subsequent bypass operation. Of course I’ve seen this ep many times before, but yesterday it actually left some kind of impression on me. The Simpsons is one of the few shows which somehow manages to convey what feels like genuine emotion, which is no small feat given it is an animation and most of the content is fairly ridiculous. I’m a prime future heart attack candidate and although I don’t really care about being overweight as such, I don’t particularly want to have a heart attack early in my life. Altho it is probably to late to avoid this entirely now.
So basically now I have the free time I have no excuse and need to get active. It looks like somekind of footie thing is gonna happen at work, which is good as long as my right ankle holds out (it is pretty much permanently fuct now). Thing is I can’t do the gym. The only exercise I enjoy is competitive sport. I was playing badminton on Mondays at my old job and I really want to get back into squash. This is now feasible and I hope to kick things off. I think a good venue for squash could be the Oasis centre just north of Covent Garden, it’s reasonably priced and centrally located. My prime candidates for games are Jon, Steve Towner and Chris (when he returns from India). A couple of the new starters at work play squash, but I get the impression they are too good for me, but I’ll give em a go. Anyone have any other ideas? I’ll happily give anyone a game of badminton too!