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Current Characters in Route:
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Name: The Doctor (10th incarnation)
Series: Doctor Who
Timeline: post-"Midnight"
Canon Resource Links:
Canon pagePast incarnations and early lifeTime LordsDW wiki page,
Wikipedia page Personality:
Sometimes you'd think there's something wrong with him, but nothing that would involve inner demons. The Doctor is an extremely enthusiastic and friendly character who tends to talk, and talk, and talk. Babble. Rant. Ramble. On and on because he just cant help himself (sometimes he remembers to shut up, but just sometimes-- usually he just switches topics). After all, he's the Doctor, and he knows more than a billion languages and if there's one thing he can do, it's talk. And he always has that wide toothy grin of his on all the time, and so you cant help but be dragged along and just listen to him talk. He's just full of energy, sometimes gesturing with his arms, and bounding along happily as he rambles, sometimes acting like some
blundering idiot who has no bloody clue just what's going on.
The Doctor doesn't discriminate. He doesn't judge. He's amiable to anyone and everyone, and even goes out of his way to help people, even those random strangers out on the street, because he's just that kind of guy. He is endlessly sympathetic to those whom he meets, extending a kind hand, a kind word and a friendly grin to them.
So why would you think that there's something wrong with him? Because he is manic, and full of energy. He's full of technobabble and pop culture references and just so many things that you might not be able to catch up with him, and wonder what he's on. Oh, he's not on anything. He's just like that.
The Doctor is just so full of passion, even in the worst of situations, even when you think he's down on the ground. This hasn't changed at all, and is one of the many things that he had carried on since his first incarnation, because it's deeply ingrained into his character. Every regeneration carries that spark in them, that bit of passion and will, and definitely that strong love for the human race, that deep fascination with Earth and desire to watch the humans grow, no matter what kinds of things he's said about them in the past (the ninth used to call Rose's boyfriend "Mickey the Idiot" and humans in general "stupid apes" and the first was just generally grumpy). Another thing in common among all the Doctor's forms is that he's really... eccentric. Running rings around the enemies, spouting out technobabble and seemingly random nonsense, strange sense of style (the fourth had a huge scarf, the fifth a celery stick on his lapel, the tenth wore Converse trainers with his suit... yeah-- the ninth might have been the most simplistic in attire).
Unlike his previous selves though, the tenth incarnation of the Doctor uses his crackpot personality as a front to hide his survivor's guilt. The
Time War may have ended incarnations ago, but he still feels the effects of it on himself-- the last Time Lord, the one who ended the war and in doing so made not only his race disappear, but also that of the
Daleks, their greatest enemies. It's a huge burden on just one person, and that's a lot of emotional baggage on just one person. And it really doesn't get that much better-- yes, he's had companions, a whole lot more than his old incarnations have had, but he loses them in one way or another, and that hurts like lemon extract on a fresh wound.
He does have limits to his smiles and energy though-- he may show kindness and mercy to his enemies, but all he gives them is one warning, and one warning only. He wants them to know that they have a choice, because everyone deserves to have a choice to do the right thing and/or walk away before something more horrible happens because of what they've done or are planning to do-- he's being kind. But once his patience is broken or his warning has gone completely unheeded, he has no more forgiveness.
He's quick to serve justice and walk away after, claiming that he's become less merciful in his old age. Oh, he claims to be a pacifist, he hates war and needless killing, and even rebukes people for simply swearing in his presence, but test him, and he doesn't just bite.
Sometimes, just sometimes, he can even jump off the deep end, flaunting what kind of power he has as a Time Lord to do what he feels is right, what's good for everything and everyone, assuming that's the best way to go. Sometimes he thinks he can bend time and space, and break things just to be able to get his way, because he's a Time Lord, and apparently entitles him to do what he wants (drained a supernova of power just to say goodbye to Rose in a parallel universe, can you believe that). Take lives in his own hands and all. That can get very, very scary. And messy. The Doctor, with all his work and fighting and everything else, doesn't do clean-up, doesn't do domestic. He just cant do it, cant stay still, and so he just runs away from the responsibility the aftermath leaves him with. And those are the kinds of demons the Doctor has.
He's a good person, really. He's got the best of intentions for everyone. He's just layered. Very, very layered.
✔ Time Lords age very, very slowly and heal very quickly. Not as fast as say, Wolverine from Marvel comics, but give him a flesh wound and it'll be gone soon. In case of injuries like a few cracked ribs or open wounds, he can drop his body temperature even further and go into a coma until he heals.
✔ "Regeneration" is an important keyword-- it means Time Lords can cheat death by changing their bodies (and release powerful energies in the process). The old cells regenerate into new ones and his physical form becomes different, usually looking younger than his old form. Of course we know better. Full article
✔ Oh is he brilliant. Very very brilliant. He's possibly one of the smartest people in the universe, and that's not only because of his Time Lord heritage (well... Time Lords have always been brilliant) but because he's lived for ten incarnations and imagine how much experience that has given him.
✔ His senses are amazing. On-screen, it's mostly his sense of taste that's been shown off-- he can analyze a blood sample, or even the oil on a door by licking it (gross, but... there you go). But the rest of his senses are amazing too, far better than a human's.
✔ You'll never see the Doctor without his
TARDIS. His spaceship. Timeship. His old girl and the one constant companion throughout his travels. He claims it's alive. Not the talking, walking alive kind, but the telepathic kind. It's grown, not made, as Captain Jack has a piece of the Doctor's TARDIS with him and is attempting to grow his own ship.
✔ There are two hearts in there, squeezed under the lungs, which means if one fails, they can run on the other. Still not so desirable though, because losing one heart still hurts him. A whole freaking lot.
✔ He has a respiratory bypass system. What does that mean? It means he can survive being strangled, and go for up to twenty minutes without air. This also means he can survive being in space without the usual effects the environment would have on humans, but anything past his time limit and he would suffocate.
✔ His body temperature is set at around 15C-- he's not exactly cold-blooded, but he can survive temperatures that humans cant (-270C to 200C).
✔ The Time Lords have mouths to communicate, but they can also tap into others' minds-- aka telepathy. He can also temporarily route what he can telepathically hear or receive to others, such as allowing his companion Donna to hear a telepathic song of an alien species. He also claims to sense other Time Lords, noting their presence at the back of his mind, which means they're all connected through their psychic ability.
✔ In the Doctor's possession is a
sonic screwdriver, which can open doors and locks, operate, modify, repair or break any kind of machinery or gadget, sending and intercepting all kinds of signals, welding materials, make medical scans... you get the picture. It can pretty much do anything except be a weapon. If pointed at humans, it's not even dangerous.
✔ Aside from the sonic screwdriver, the Doctor has psychic paper. It's just a blank piece of paper, but it can show whatever its owner wants others to see on it, whether it's faked travel documents, an ID or even a library card. In some occasions it can pass off as a real card and work with electronic readers. Easy to get through security checks with.
✔ Even as a pacifist, he can fight if needed. Oh damn can he fight-- his aim is always dead center, and he's not bad with a sword.
✔ He claims to have played with Röntgen blocks as a child. Toys made out of radiation. That means he and the other Time Lords as a whole have some resistance to certain levels of radiation. Not a total resistance, mind, otherwise the Eleventh Doctor wouldn't have happened. [/spoilers]
✔ There's a reason why beings from the Planet Gallifrey are called Time Lords-- that's because they can sense time itself. That is to say, fixed points or events that cant be changed, events that can be tinkered with to change the future, and even disturbances in timelines. His ninth incarnation sums it up pretty nicely:
"I can see everything. All that is, all that was, all that ever could be." - the Bad Wolf entity (aka Rose, infused with the
time vortex)
"That's what I see-- all the time. And doesn't it drive you mad?" - The Ninth Doctor
✘ The Doctor cant totally cheat death, because it's said that a Time Lord only has thirteen incarnations till he dies completely. And if someone manages to kill him quick enough, such as shooting both his hearts at once or perhaps leaving nothing of his body behind, he wont be able to regenerate and simply die. He can also be attacked and killed before the regeneration process begins.
✘ Regeneration only works on mortal wounds, and quick healing only works on flesh wounds. So what if he gets shot in the leg or burned in the hand or punched in the face? He suffers from them, like a human being. He bleeds, and you'd never think that he's not from around Earth. He may be able to go into that healing coma, but it still slows him down, makes him vulnerable.
✘ Regeneration is not an exact science. The Doctor cant control how he would look like afterward. Or how he'd act, or even what kind of food preferences he'd have. Regenerating scares him, because giving way to a new part of himself feels a lot like dying.
✘ He's nice. Too nice. Very very nice in his old age. Yes, he may only give people one chance, but he can still be screwed over in that one chance because he's too bloody kind sometimes. His empathy and love for humans is so great that his enemies keep using this to their advantage (and eventually fail, but the damage to Earth and even himself isn't something to joke about).
✘ His psychic ability is limited to touch when faced with races other than his own, and while he's got good defenses, there are times when someone can get past those and read his mind while he's reading theirs and render him vulnerable.
✘ You'll never see the Doctor without his TARDIS. Take it away from him and he's no longer a time traveler. Just a Time Lord stuck wherever place he is, whatever era it is.
✘ As useful as the sonic screwdriver is, it cant open deadbolts or doors made of wood. No one knows why. It just... doesn't. Hairdryers also seem to interfere with it whenever he tries to use it with them in the vicinity.
✘ The psychic paper is not completely useful. It has its moments, but to those who have had psychic training, or are extremely intelligent, it's just a blank piece of paper.
✘ As amazing as being a time traveler is and being sensitive to time, and no matter how much effort the Doctor puts into helping people and saving the universe, he cant change what's been fixed, those points in time that aren't meant to be tinkered with, no matter how much he'd want to. For example, he cant stop Mt. Vesuvius from erupting because Pompeii was mean to be destroyed.
✘ He claims to be allergic to aspirin. Who knew?
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