Apparently found out from a cosplayer that one of my Cosfest 2007 pics was used in an article about cosplay which appeared in The New Paper last Sunday Weekend edition (22/7/07). The image can be seen below.
The thread that you posted your concerns in is no help at all. While I agree you can't demand justice because it's over and done with, that Stee Van is a bit of an asshole and can't understand what photographers feel about their own work.
Thanks raydance. Unfortunately that's the general sentiment of most of the people in sgcafe, especially the non-photogs or casual snappers, most of them feel that it is perfectly all right for anyone to simply "steal" a picture and use it for their own purpose or ends, but that is just plain wrong, and violation of intellectual property rights. Especially when a big company like SPH is involved, and this is not the first time it has happened too. I admit it came as a shock to me coz I never expected one of my shots to end up in the media also, but the worse shock was that no one even contacted me and informed me about it. I only found out about it yesterday afternoon. That was why I reacted so strongly in that thread, agree though that its not the best place to rant in. People like this Stee Van and others is one of the reasons why I am not very active in sgcafe forums...too much flaming and such. Miss the older anime forums which were much friendlier back then
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Comments 5
The thread that you posted your concerns in is no help at all. While I agree you can't demand justice because it's over and done with, that Stee Van is a bit of an asshole and can't understand what photographers feel about their own work.
In any case (and it might be too late), you might want to email the TNP editor. They might be able to pay you something for your effort.
BTW what do you shoot mostly?
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