i lOok aT thEm aNd thiNk i wiSh i hAd aT leAst sOme Of whAt thEy dO bUt thEn i thiNk agAin iF i eVer wiLl haVe thAt ..? eVen tHo i knOw evErythiNg thEy haVe iS riGht iN frOnt oF mE and im nOt taKing thAt chaNce.
hAd a hAlf dAy oF scHoOl tO brEs ... sWiMminG {felt sO gOod} aNd laYed Out [gOt a Little burnt :)] weNt tO aShleys cAme tO my hOuse wEnt tO sUbwAy n wescO {numm} aSh wEnt hOme tOok a shOwer dOwnlOaded my pIcs frOm scHool