Title: Hoshi ga Jiwari aka We Love Arashi
Rating: G
Pairings: Ohmiya
Summary: Katamari!AU cause
lysanderpuck is evil.
Warning: Crack that is not my fault.
http://youtu.be/QrsztFjY96o "Again Nino?" Prince Jun sighs. In a rare fit of frustration of losing twice to a boss in Dragon Quest, King of the Cosmos Kazunari has knocked all the stars and planets out of space...yet again. Also, in a not so rare fit of laziness and smugness, King Nino has ordered Jun to fix the universe by giving him the meaningless, nonsensical, and possibly dangerous task of rolling sticky balls on Earth, which will serve as the new stars and planets. Obviously Prince Jun should not let him talk with Cousin Masaki anymore.
"But you're so good at it Princess!" says King Nino with this ever-present smirk.
"Prince," Jun corrects him, knowing he is being baited, but unable to resist the urge to be right.
"We say what we mean," retorts King Nino with this ever-present smirk. King Nino just knows Prince Jun will do it anyway. Prince Jun would never allow the universe to be in such array, more out of his need for order and perfection than sympathy for the balls of gas.
"You're an annoying jerk. And why the hell are you speaking in 3rd person plural?"
"We like it." Jun knows Nino is just trying to be irritating enough so that Jun will leave and take care of his mess.
Oh well. Someone has to fix the universe and like hell Jun is going to let Cousin Aiba do it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8g8ZSASBNpo Queen Satoshi enjoys baking, which is convenient since he makes the best cookies. Even King Nino, who does not find eating appealing as it takes much effort and time away from playing videogames and pranks, often requests his cookies. Satoshi likes to think that King Nino likes them because they are his cookies but he knows it is because Nino is cheap and does not like to pay for cookies. Still, Satoshi likes everything about King Kino and cannot fault him for being himself.
While the King is taking a nap outside, Satoshi decides to bring him some cookies for when he wakes up.
Distracted by a passing butterfly, or rather his own thoughts about possibly fishing up a mermaid, he trips and tosses the plate of cookies into the air. While he is able to stop himself from falling, he does not catch the cookies in time and watches them fall all over King Nino.
King Nino does not awaken from the cookies falling on him. Not even when the plate nearly flattens his nose does Nino make some sort of gesture that he is even slightly aware something touched him.
Satoshi finds this strangely endearing, but everything about Nino to him is strange and endearing. Especially endearing.
(King Nino finds Queen Satoshi strange and endearing too. Especially endearing.)
http://youtu.be/PS66Ics3e_0 It is not his fault that he has low self esteem. Cousin Aiba is the one who forgot to include a heart! And it is not his fault he cannot jump so high. He is a robot and therefore much heavier than King Nino. So it is not RoboSho's fault he cannot save the universe and must rely on Prince Jun to fix the universe as well.
"You don't have to do this if you don't want to Prince," RoboSho says. He looks at Prince Jun, who is probably only 1/8 his height and yet is much more responsible than he could ever be. This makes him feel even more depressed and insecure.
"Yes I do," Jun answers. "I'm the Prince of the Cosmos. Who else is going to fix it?"
Sho pouts. "I can try again?" he says.
Cousin Aiba once told him, "RoboSho, you need more confidence in yourself. You are a giant robot! You could probably eat Gundams for breakfast! Really you could!"
Prince Jun shakes his head at him though. "You're too big." RoboSho's metal shoulders drop.
"I cannot do anything," he says. "I'm just too big and heavy." RoboSho sinks to his knees, almost completely blowing Prince Jun away with the downward motion.
"You cannot go on Earth because you are too big and people will notice you and shoot at you. I don't want you to get hurt."
RoboSho looks at Jun (which is amazing as Jun is so very small and very hard to find).
"You are the perfect size to rule the Cosmos while King Nino is asleep," Jun continues. "Do that."
Finally, RoboSho can give him a sincere smile. "That, I can do."
http://youtu.be/G66RPD7Nwx0 Cousin Aiba loves happy endings. King Nino is awake and RoboSho is gone! Although, he very much liked RoboSho. He is one of his best inventions. Forgetting the heart was his mistake and he still feels bad that he inadvertently caused Prince Jun more trouble. Maybe he can do it right next time!
"I'm sorry Prince Jun," Aiba mumbles during the fireworks King Nino insisted lighting. Prince Jun raises one of his eyebrows and wears a frown on his face. But a second later, Aiba lets out a breath when Prince Jun gives him a small (really just a quirk of his lip) smile.
"It's okay Aiba," he says. "All that matters is that the universe is back together."
Everyone is happy and safe and that is all that matters.
And King Nino finally found his house keys (in his pocket.)
I wish I had KatamarixArashi icons now.