(no subject)

Mar 30, 2004 19:40

so tomorrow i have an interview at express. im nervous. i hope it pays good and they give me decent hours. god this is going to suck.

last cigarette: - 3 hours ago
last kiss: - yesterday
last good cry: - friday
last library book checked out: - uhhh
last movie seen: - in the movies? eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. at home office space.
last book read: - lolita
last cuss word uttered: - fuck or something.
last alcoholic beverage drank: - :\ heinikin?or bud? i dunno.
last food consumed: - stew
last phone call: - caitlin
last tv show watched: - hmm no
last shoes worn: - shitty ones
last cd played: - the cars
last item bought: - a breakfast sandwhich from dunkin donuts
last downloaded: - i dunno
last annoyance: - i dunno
last disappointment: - i dunno
last soda drank: - coke
last thing handwritten: - hmm my signature
last words spoken: - "vinny, i think your sister is on the phone."
last sleep: - between 610pm and 710pm
last im: - nope
last weird encounter: - none that i can think of
last ice cream eaten: - chocolate chip mint
last amused: - in eco when caitlin and i were fucking around
last time wanting to die: never
last time in love: never
last time hugged: yesterday
last time scolded: between 1230pm and 100pm
last chair sat in: this big brown wooden one
last lipstick used: no thanks.
last shirt worn: the faint
last time dancing: noo
last poster looked at: i dont know
last show attended: - encrypt manuscript, cipher, etc.
last webpage visited: - live journal.

1 MINUTE AGO: - i was filling this out
1 HOUR AGO: - i was sleeping
1 DAY AGO: - i was at starbucks
1 WEEK AGO: - hmm i was probably at starbucks
1 YEAR AGO: - i was sad.

current clothes: - shai hulud hoodie, and grey sweatpants
current mood: - whatever
current music: no
current taste: - blarf
current hair: - straight
current annoyance: none
current smell: none
current thing I should be doing: hmm my termpaper
current desktop picture: jane doe
current refreshment: - none.
current worry: - none.
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