So it will come to pass that Obama is going to give the GOP a big steaming mug of Fuck You and ram through the health care bill. Of course, the GOP is screaming bloody murder, totally ignoring the fact that when they were the party in charge, they rammed shit through as well, and what they rammed through didn't benefit people anywhere near what
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Comments 5
Absolutely. I can't have this conversation with my parents. They're terrified that Medicare is going to get raped in the process (it won't, it's all scare tactics). I try to remind them that the sky didn't fall in MA when the healthcare bill got signed into law. It doesn't make any difference.
"many uninsured people go to the ER for treatment and ultimately, hospitals pass these costs on to everyone else who pays."
And, by the time they actually GET to the ER they're sicker than they would be had they been able to go to a primary doc early on, making the whole thing even more expensive.
We're broke. But we can't afford to NOT do something because the alternative is much, much worse.
I'm really becoming disgusted with politics. It's become increasingly more about cheap political theater and party, rather than what's best for the country. Everyone's playing up to the cameras and to the pundits. The Left is guilty of that as well. Our system is sick but fucked if I know what can be done to fix it.
"These are not the droids you're looking for." unless it's something they want to ram through, like stripping our personal liberties, government intrusion into our lives and raping the Constitution and it's Amendments item by item. Last April I went cold turkey on the news/politics, I didn't have the time or heart for it for a long while. I found out my sanity returned. That's not to say I don't keep an eye on things, I do, just not as rabidly as before.
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