"How big is this damn ship?"
They made their way through one of the liner's cargo compartments looking for ship supplies, primarily food but also emergency equipment in case the need to jump ship become urgent. Reflex wouldn't allow himself to hope that they might find a lifeboat (though he wouldn't have been disappointed) mostly because this compartment had been a little too easy to get into. He surmised that anything as useful as a lifeboat or ship's runabout would be considerably better protected from passengers.
"They're always bigger than you think." What they had found, in copious amounts, had been medium and large containers filled with partially unpacked luggage, various collections of vacation-related paraphernalia and, surprisingly, a climate controlled room dedicated to the storage of pets.
Seeing this, Seth remarked "Here we are, surrounded by hundreds of beings all on a major goof-off, sharing this luxurious communal space and yet some people feel compelled to bring along their animal minions."
"Yeah, you'd think the pets might enjoy a bit of a holiday as well. Guess they didn't think of that." Reflex had been unsuccessful in his search for useful ship supplies, and began opening the luggage containers to see what he could put to use. "The rich are weird though. Probably why they don't want us crashing their swank buffet."
"Was that a joke? I can never tell." Seth looked around the chamber at the stacks of boxes, identical but for the numeric alien hieroglyphs on the sides, filled with the belongings of the very wealthy. He disdained the wealthy because they seemed to think their money made them special, better than other people, when really it just gave them broader access to fun and depravity while leeching the creative spirit from their ranks with each passing generation.
Reflex had been raiding crates, almost at random, clearly looking for something but hadn't shared with Seth what the nature of his quest was. Seth, having a short attention span and a very low tolerance for boredom, lost interest in watching and began his own investigation of the storage space.
"You know, we've been in here for a while. Probably about time to move to another part of the ship before the security monkeys find us." He was looking up, trying to make out a large shape hanging near the ceiling. "Unless you have--." Recognition stopped the thought his mouth was forming into a vague insult. His eyes could see into the infra-red (as well as certain wavelengths of energy that some scientists hadn't even begun to theorize about) so he could easily make out things other beings couldn't.
What he was looking at was a mid-sized yacht hung in some kind of web from the lofted ceiling of the container bay. He mused to himself that this was a whole other level of rich-kid plaything: to bring along your own private luxury star craft while enjoying the hospitality of a high-end luxury cruise line.
"Unless I have a what?" Reflex emerged from a container putting on clothes that were almost painfully normal to Seth's eyes. Unbeknownst to either of them, they were a kind of costume for a prince who liked to go slumming from time to time and have "regular fun with the common folk." It was basic, functional and almost entirely unremarkable, but it was clean and looked nothing at all like what Reflex had been wearing. In short, it was perfect social camouflage.
Seth looked at him and made the kind of face that other demons would understand, but the Reflex certainly would not.
"You'll never get laid wearing that!" he exclaimed, then turned his eyes back to the yacht, trying to make out how it was suspended. "Now that, on the other hand, would probably get us both laid."
Reflex squinted up into the semi-dark. "I can't see anything." He turned back and sealed the container.
"You humans never can" he said, darkly mocking.