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Comments 50
And maybe telling little white lies won't really matter in the end, but if you are making big lies or bad lies, I'd be worried. Not just for the people around you, but yourself. Granted, I know it'd be awfully difficult to change a behavior you've stuck to your whole life, but if you really commit to a resolution - maybe say, this month, I'm going to keep myself from telling one big lie. Maybe two. Start with a small goal and work your way up, anon. It's possible. whoa did I actually just give advice there whoa ignore me
I have my suspicions, anon, but if you are who I think you are ... I'm sorry I never knew of this before. But either way please please feel free ( ... )
I... I've been trying. But they don't seem to understand.
I make promises, but I break them all the time. I lie, most of the time I cheat, I try to become someone I'm not. Because of them. Because of them, who don't seem to appreciate whatever I do. I try to push myself harder each day, tell myself to study even though I never do. I'm horrible.
I try to be happy. I really do. But I don't think happiness is out for everyone.
Sometimes I wonder, does God love me?
I'm sorry you can't be the person you want to be. Pressure from other people suck, and it's even worse when they throw you further into despair or force you to resort to lies or broken promises. I hope you are able to strike a balance, or at least step back for a moment and breathe. Maybe you're asking too much of yourself or just taking on way too much to please others. Take care of yourself. Get away from the stress. I'm not sure if I know you or not, but I am sure that you're nowhere as horrible as you so claim. &hearts
It may seem difficult or impossible or absolutely futile right now, but you can be happy. It will come for you one day, I know. Please hang in there, anon, and stay strong.
Although I'm not religiously-affiliated, if you believe in God and believe that He has your best interests in mind, then surely He loves you. Everything may be at a low point right now, but you can only go up from here.
Oh shizz I just outed myself didn't I.
Ahem. Sorry, I've just been taking a gander around your lj cause I read a Prussia/England written for you and wanted to see if you had written any yourself ^^' (Cause it be my favourite pairing~ <3) And then I saw that you wrote The Zenith, which I remember reading (and loving) before ( ... )
And aaaa, I know what you mean, anon (and hopefully you'll de-anon?). I have finals next week and they are not going to be fun. In any case, I hope you remember your fic ideas and do well on your exams! Don't be discouraged. Things always work out in the end, one way or another! &hearts
Yep, that's the one~ And I think I stumbled across it on the main comm but never got to comment on it ^^' I will do this time though! And ooh, thank you for the links! I probably won't be able to read them all now (I'm trying my best not to get distracted ^^' Only one week left! ;A; ) but I'll be sure to check it out~
Good luck on your finals! =D I'm sure you'll do awesomely~ And thank you for the reply; I think talking about it has made me feel a little calmer about the whole thing, so thanks for lending an ear ^^ (Or, um, eye. *shrugs* )
aaa thank you :) I'm sure you'll do wonderfully too!
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