Courtney: Expect a call from me tomorrow night.
Corrine: You, too.
Just a warning: what follows is only for those not afraid to be laughed at.
Basically, I wanted to run a Supers game. I've been reading a lot of old Avengers comics and watching Heroes on DVD, and it's been kind of inspiring. I have a couple of planned storylines, and all I need are some folks to get in on it with me.
All that's needed is to start thinking of a character you'd like to be. Nothing Superman Level, just a hero with some powers. Or gadgets, or weapons. Whatever. The plan would basically be to do some one-on-one character creation online. We'd work out all the details, and then we'd do a solo "origin story" for your character. Ryan and I did something similar when I started getting into White Wolf and Changeling. It'd set up back story, and let you get comfortable with the style of the game and such. Just be thinking about what you'd like to do. Anything is possible. I can make any kind of abilities fit into the system. You only have to know what you want.
I'm trying to set up a free site with a chat room that will be our Roleplaying Central. Once it's operational, we're go for launch. I have a probability program that generates random number results (to simulate die), and I have a bunch of forms that can get worked out. Just reply, or email, if you are interested, and I'll send you scans of whatever you'd need.