allen is the #114 most common male name. 0.174% of men in the US are named allen. Around 213150 US men are named allen! allen is the #114 most common male name. 0.174% of men in the US are named allen. Around 213150 US men are named allen! source
allen is the #3048 most common female name. 0.002% of females in the US are named allen. Around 2550 US females are named allen! allen is the #3048 most common female name. 0.002% of females in the US are named allen. Around 2550 US females are named allen! source
allen is the #27 most common last name. 0.199% of last names in the US are allen. Around 497500 US last names are allen!
gosh man, your name is so darn popular! but WHO would name a female ALLEN?!♥
Comments 7
0.174% of men in the US are named allen.
Around 213150 US men are named allen!
allen is the #114 most common male name.
0.174% of men in the US are named allen.
Around 213150 US men are named allen!
allen is the #3048 most common female name.
0.002% of females in the US are named allen.
Around 2550 US females are named allen!
allen is the #3048 most common female name.
0.002% of females in the US are named allen.
Around 2550 US females are named allen!
allen is the #27 most common last name.
0.199% of last names in the US are allen.
Around 497500 US last names are allen!
gosh man, your name is so darn popular!
but WHO would name a female ALLEN?!♥
=P you're sucha dork but i love ya anyways.
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