stomps around, makes a wishlist

Nov 29, 2010 01:16

I am bullied far too easily... lmfao Blame Vienna for this~

basically just pairings cause I am not picky/desperate for fic? ;3;

1- 2woon. Surprised right? Any shape or form, from fluff (although 2woon and fluff are a bit like water and oil lmao) to porn to angst.

2- kangwook. preferably fluff but porn is ok too if you want to try it XD afterthought: genderswitch porn would be rad jsjsjs

3- yehyuk/kangyehyuk/kanghyuk pornpornpornpornporn :Q but 2woon bullying hyukjae would be precious too :P

4- kangchul anything

5- kanghae, cute/fluff/cheesiness ;3;

1- rape or anything remotely resembling it (I'm cool with prostitution au though)
2- kangin leaving-for-the-military. post-army is fine, mentioning pre-enlistment is fine, but a whole fic of it would make me cry a lot .___.
3- umm...well I don't squick easily lmao I dig cross-dressing and violence and anything really D: except those up there :Dv


1- drawings of animals? :D sheeps and dinosaurs and jellyfish and anything cute~

2- someone to organize my Kangin folder ._.

3- dessert recipes :3 I'm shitty at cooking, but baking is fun for me and I'd like to try new things~

4- crochet or knitting patterns, but preferably crochet

5- Kangin icons? ;;;;;;

other vague stuff you can just ignore :3v

1- cute dresses

2- tights/leggings

3- plushies

4- Kangin Anysing stuff, especially the photos *____* or at least a means to get ahold of them because I have no idea lmao

5- the rest of Suju's discography ;;;;;

wishlists I know of~
Vienna the bully ;3
Amy (locked)


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