It's been a little crazy around here. I haven't been on line much. I haven't even been to LJ since my last entry.
We have been visiting the behavioral therapist a lot the past few weeks. I never realized how lucky we've been thus far in the whole IEP process. We have pages of questions this time. We're likely to be there hours!
Our B.T. said that if we go in with a list of "demands", it is likely to put them on the defensive. She told us to ask leading questions to try to get them to offer what it is that we want rather than flat out ask. Also, she has advised us to not use yes/no questions. So, we have been going through a list of adaptations and modifications and trying to think of leading, non-yes/no questions, to get them to offer the adaptations and modifications that we think will be most helpful for Hannah. It hasn't been easy.
There have been some really good developments with Hannah lately. She asked us if she could join an after school club called "Smart Moves". It is a healthy living, anti-drugs type thing. She also said that she would like to be in chorus next year. Any interest in interacting with peers is a really good thing! She also recently exchanged phone numbers with one of her friends from school, and last night they were on the phone together for a good 15 minutes! I know that soon I may be asking myself if she is ever going to get off of the phone, but for now it is really exciting!
Rachel's birthday is tomorrow. We are having her party at Chuck E. Cheese. Unlike her 5th birthday party where we had 1 guest, we have had many rsvp's this time. We expect 20 kids at least! A few of the parents have asked if their children's siblings could also attend, and that is what bumped the number up so much!
So between the IEP, the party, gift wrapping, taking the girls to and from clubs, girl scouts, and the usual house stuff, I've been one busy mama. And as the girls get older, it's only going to get busier.
I need a clone.