Dude, never underestimate the power of getting Recycle into kids' vocabulary early on. There was this little cartoon with dinosaurs that I watched *once* when I was like, two, that was all about landfills and recycling and reducing your trash, and it had this awesome song about it that I still sing whenever I'm doing the bottle return. And Fern Gully? Don't get me started on Fern Gully.
Comments 3
Congratumalations *high five*
Dude, never underestimate the power of getting Recycle into kids' vocabulary early on. There was this little cartoon with dinosaurs that I watched *once* when I was like, two, that was all about landfills and recycling and reducing your trash, and it had this awesome song about it that I still sing whenever I'm doing the bottle return. And Fern Gully? Don't get me started on Fern Gully.
*shit-eating grin*
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