Title: Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
sophia_clarkWord Count: 1,338
Characters/Pairings: Draco, Molly, Harry, Pansy, Neville, others mentioned (eventual H/D)
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Draco's a good friend.
Summary: Draco at the Burrow.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Notes: Written for
slythindor100's 25 Days of Draco & Harry Traditional Prompt 12 -
Wine Tree, & for
dracoharry100's Christmas Challenge prompt - Secret Santa. Part twelve of All I Want for Christmas (Is You). The title for each part will be a different Christmas song/carol, because I love them all! :)
Read on AO3 Part One "Draco, dear, go on and have another piece of fudge. There’s a good lad." Molly held the tray of homemade chocolate fudge in front of him as he chose his third piece. He always overindulged whenever he visited the Burrow.
"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley. It is quite delicious, as per usual."
"How many times have I told you? Call me Molly. You’re practically family at this point." With that, she gave Draco a warm hug and went back into the kitchen.
When he was younger, the idea of spending any time with the Weasleys had repulsed him. If that hateful, pompous version of himself could see him now - eating Molly’s delicious cooking, willingly spending the afternoon at their house, and being called practically family - he would almost definitely be throwing a fit. Draco could admit that he was at times a tad prone to dramatics. He could also admit now that he actually liked the Weasleys.
They were a nice, and loud, and fun, and always entertaining lot. Life in this family was pretty much the exact opposite of his own experiences growing up at the manor. Much to his and Narcissa’s surprise, they had both been welcomed and accepted into Molly’s horde alongside Aunt Andromeda and Teddy. It had admittedly taken quite a few months for a few of the Weasley children to come around to the idea of spending time with Malfoys, but by now it was a fairly common occurrence, at least at parties and around the holidays. Apologies had long ago been made and accepted, and at this point everyone was at least civil, if not downright friendly.
Draco looked around at the crowded living room and smiled. The Secret Santa name-drawing had turned into something of an impromptu party. This tended to happen often in the presence of so many Gryffindors, Draco had come to learn. All the Weasleys were there, aside from Bill and Fleur, who were home with a sick Victoire, and Charlie, who was still in Romania until the 18th.
Percy and his girlfriend Audrey were talking to Mr. Weasley over in the corner, where he was excitedly showing them the large Christmas tree made entirely of wine bottles that he’d put together himself. The inside was lit up using strings of muggle lights, which Mr. Weasley had somehow rigged up to work off of "eckeltricity," Draco thought he’d called it. He didn’t really understand, but Mr. Weasley was very proud of it, and he had to admit the odd tree was strangely beautiful.
Ginny was attempting to help Molly in the kitchen, while Hermione and Lovegood were talking quietly on the sofa. George, Ron, and Harry were having a much more lively discussion about Quidditch next to a table laden down with Molly’s cooking. Draco avidly watched as Harry threw his head back and laughed at something George said; he truly was even more beautiful than the tree.
The only guests who had yet to arrive were Longbottom and Pansy. Draco was still upset with his so-called best friend for not telling him about her new relationship. He was also still a bit shocked, to be honest; Pansy’s previous "relationships," if you could call them that, had only ever lasted a week or two at most. He hadn’t seen or spoken to her since Harry had let the news slip the other night. He planned on giving her a piece of his mind whenever she deigned to show up.
Just then, Draco heard the sounds of someone arriving by Floo in the next room. Knowing it had to be Pansy, he crept into the hallway, thinking it would be best to confront her away from the rest of the group. He might be feeling hurt, but he still did not want to embarrass her in front of everyone or ruin the party.
As he neared the doorway, he paused, hearing two voices.
"It’s going to be fine, Pans, I promise. No one’s going to be horrible to you. I won’t let them." It sounded to Draco as though they had had this discussion before.
"But I’ve been horrible to them! All of them! I don’t know what I was thinking, letting you talk me into this. It’s going to be a bloody disaster." Draco had never heard Pansy sound so anxious, but to other people she probably seemed angry. She was practically hissing as she went on. "I should just go. I should never have--"
She cut off abruptly, and Draco peered around the corner to see why. Longbottom had clearly just grabbed her shoulders and pulled her in for a snog. Draco watched as all the tension seemed to melt out of her before she flung her arms around his neck and pushed their bodies even closer. After a few moments, Longbottom pulled his face back, but remained in their embrace.
"My friends are fair people, Pans. They understand that we’ve all grown up and changed, and they know how much I care about you. I’ve been talking to them about you non-stop for weeks. Probably driven them mad, honestly." He smiled at her, and she gave a weak chuckle. "I know you’re feeling overwhelmed, but just remember that I’ll be with you the whole time. Just squeeze my hand if you get uncomfortable, and we’ll go take a breather or something. Plus, isn’t Malfoy coming? He’ll be--"
"Oh bloody buggering fuck! Draco’s here? I haven’t told him about us yet, Nev! At first I didn’t know how to tell him, and then I was shocked things were going so well and I just wanted to stay in our little bubble for as long as possible, you know? And now he’s going to be so pissed at me for not telling him. Oh Merlin!"
All the stress Longbottom had managed to dispel from her was now back in her voice and in the rigid set of her shoulders. Draco hated to see it, especially when she’d looked so relaxed a moment ago. He huffed as he stepped into the room. Both Pansy and Longbottom turned their heads towards him in sync.
"I will admit, I was a bit miffed when I first heard the news." Pansy’s eyes widened in horror; she could probably tell from his voice he’d been more than simply miffed. He smirked at her. "However, I suppose I can understand if you wanted to keep it to yourself and sneak around for a while. It can be terribly sexy, after all."
He suddenly had an armful of clingy Pansy. "I’m sorry, Draco. I should have told you ages ago! I wanted to, I swear. I just didn’t know how to bring it up. Then it was past time to tell you and I still hadn’t and it just snowballed." She pulled back, and looked determinedly at him. There was his Pansy. "But now that you know, you had better get used to the idea. Neville is absolutely fantastic and he actually cares about me."
Draco looked over Pansy’s shoulder and smiled at the man in question. "Yes, I do believe I’ve seen a bit of that just now."
At that moment, a cough came from behind Draco, and he turned around to see Harry standing in the doorway.
"Sorry to interrupt, but I think Ginny wants us to pick our Secret Santa names soon." He looked sheepishly at Draco. "I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, I just wanted to see where you’d gone." Now a fetching blush began to spread up his neck to his cheeks. Merlin, but Draco wanted to kiss him so badly.
A snort made them both turn to see Neville and Pansy obviously trying not to laugh at them. Draco rolled his eyes and turned back to Harry.
"Oh don’t mind them, Harry. They’re obviously just jealous. Let’s leave them to it." With that, he slipped his arm through a bewildered-looking Harry’s and pulled him back towards the living room. He could hear Pansy’s shrieking laughter all the way down the hall.
Part Thirteen