Drabble - Anxious

Feb 21, 2011 17:35

Title: Anxious
Author: sophia_clark
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Rating: G
Warning(s): None
Summary: Harry's feeling worried about his date.
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.
Beta: None
Author's Notes: This is the first drabble I've ever attempted & it was really hard getting it exactly 100 words! I'm thinking I'll turn this into a series of drabbles. Written for dracoharry100's challenge #193 - Flower, Sweet, Heart, Love, Kiss.

This was the most anxious Harry had ever been.

His only previous experience having a date for Valentine's being the Cho debacle, his heart fluttered rapidly as he entered the restaurant, flowers in hand.

He thought Draco would love the Burnt Orchid he held, which was native to Wiltshire, but felt doomed by his outfit choice. The place was rather fancy.

Surreptitiously checking his breath and finding it faintly sweet - was that strawberries? - he approached the hostess. When he gave the name Malfoy, she leaned in and whispered "Good luck, hun" kissing his cheek.

Alright, this was the most anxious.


arc: little date that could, rated: g, length: drabble, comm: dracoharry100, ship: draco/harry

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