
Aug 13, 2003 23:15

As the subject header states... unbe-fucking-lieveable.

The Harry Potter fandom really IS full of plagiarists.

Witness Broom Closet, by Cadey, as compared with Gwendolyn's Crawl Space, from X-Files.

"... our friendship has grown into a lot more, with a few closed-mouth kisses after a Gryffindor win, and a lot of pecks on the cheeks" -- Broom Closet

"We had been slowly working our way toward such an encounter for the weeks up until then with an economy of soft touches and closed mouth kisses." -- Crawl Space


"Growling softly, I moved my hands, letting them land on Hermione's hips, forcefully stilling them." -- BC

"With some effort, I bent my elbows and raised my hands to those active hips and forcefully stilled them." -- CS


"Every single part of our bodies were touching. Including my rather indelicate arousal." --BC

"Every inch of the front of her was touching some part of the front of me, including my rather indelicate hard on." --CS


"...but she still doesn't make a sound. Any other time, any other place, it would have been insulting." --BC

"...she did not utter a sound. Under different circumstances, it would have been insulting." --CS


"I want the skin of my palm touching her with no barriers in between." --BC

"At that moment in time, I wanted nothing more than to feel the soft flesh of her hand on me, with no barriers between us." --CS


"Fortunately, Hermione is a master problem-solver." --BC

"Fortunately for me, my Scully is a problem solver." --CS


"She seems to be thinking the same thing I am, but she doesn't let go of the zipper. Now I'm really confused.

I feel her body tense, and I can almost see the intense listening posture she's got. Bless her. She's got everything under control and in her hands. When things are in her hands, let's just say that the odds are definitely in your favor. I try to tear my attention away from her lovely body, but it's too much of a struggle, really. So whatever Hermione is hearing... Is that armor rattling?



The suit of armor across the hallway from us gets a good rattle, and something crashes to the ground. Loudly. Hermione tears my zipper down and thrusts her hand into the opening, somehow bypassing my boxers as well." --BC

"She grasped the top of my zipper in obvious anticipation of her next move. God Bless her for taking control like that. If we got caught, I could blame it on her carelessness. Not that I would. Well, I might. Anyway, it was all in her hands, and they usually provide pretty decent odds.

After about five thousand years, a crate fell. Loudly.

Scully took advantage of the noisy distraction to quickly rend apart my zipper." --CS


"We silently agreed that approximately five minutes after we heard the last footfalls would be when we felt free to get out of the closet. Until then, we spent our time sharing positively intoxicating kisses - and straightening our appearance as best we could." --BC

"Caution dictated that we wait about five minutes after the last voice was heard and the warehouse door shut behind them before we came out of hiding, in case someone was staying behind or coming back. We occupied our time in the now heavy silence with lazy kisses." --CS


I'm honestly shocked. What the hell? It's not a simple cut and paste job, and the similarities (and outright exact phrases) are far enough between that they're almost coincidental-seeming. However, they're clearly not. If you're going to go to the trouble of writing a nearly-original story, why not at least just hack the plotline, or basic idea, and leave out the direct quotes?

I also feel as if I should write to the archive to notify them, but what would the point be in that? Also, I haven't ignored the possibility that "Cadey" could be Gwendolyn in a new fandom under a new name, and it's perfectly acceptable to hack your own stories, if a little intellectually bankrupt. But should I at least write Gwendolyn?

Gah. Fandom is such a mess.


ETA: I do not, of course, think all HP writers are plagiarists, just to ward off any complaints. It was a joke, made because I was shocked to find a little grain of truth in that silly old fandom cliche. :)

wank, harry potter
