Title: Fantasies Protection
Raiting: 15
Warning: A theme which people may find offensive.
Left beneath the branches of the oak tree, the young child of no name cried for someone, anyone, to come save them. For ten days, the frail human creature, with matted black hair and only a patched teddy bear for company and support, had sat there waiting. For her mother or her father. Uncle or auntie. For someone who knew her name; who could carry her safely home as they had many times before in their dreams.
She had sat there, her right hand holding her bears paw, interlaced with her fingers of her bruised left. Her chin resting upon her arms, bowed to face the ground to hide the tear stained face from anyone who may wander into this area. She stayed still while waiting for that familiar figure. A figure, up until when she was left, meant love and adoration no matter on the situation. Someone who would also care for the bruised pain on her hand or cut above her eye.
A small snap of a dead twig made her draw her head from her arms, her pale blue eyes blinking to the late light - a lost sparkle rising with hope at the figure before them.
They raised a hand, stained with blood, making the sparkle leave her eyes. As it came closer to her face, she closed her eyes to block the image of deception but nothing could have taken away the feel of the sting on already sore skin as the bear palm made contact the stained face.
Falling over to not soil but a wooden floor of her living room, the broken creature went silent, learning a lesson that noise making brought more pain and not comfort. Not even a whimper escaped her lips, no sound did until the figure walked away to leave her in undeserved pain.
She had been abandoned, by someone she should have expected to have cared for her. And no fantasy could save her the pain of such a traitor.