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Jun 18, 2007 12:15

Been hanging out in Borders a lot reading books and drinking coffee since I have no internet at the place I'm stay for the next week or so.
Thoughts on books I've been reading which while super vague might lead to spoilers or perhaps spoiler comments. 
So far I've read the first 5 or 6 Dresden Files books which the Sci-fi series is based off of.  They aren't bad if you sort of think of them as one long book and so are willing to skim a lot since some books were more interesting plot wise then others.  The main character is constantly having bad things happen to him (sort of the opposite of how LKH characters always seem to have everything go perfectly in their lives but just as annoying).  Hoping he will hit bottom soon because main character martyrdom is tiresome.

I also read the latest Anita Blake book the Harlequin.  I keep saying I am going to stop reading the series cause its not really going anywhere and then end up doing it anyway.  Over all this one wasn't too bad except Richard and his mountain of baggage plus not really sure what to do with the way the werelions were treated at the end.  Anyone else actually keeping up with the series find the subplot involving the lions weird?  Can't quite figure out why it bothered me other then that it seemed like the Lion kings wife actions were based on motives like not wanting to have her husband killed and her being spoils to the victor which seemed a pretty reasonable desire - so didn't really get the moral outrage (especially given all the crap Richard pulls).  Edward was around which meant a man in Antia's life who doesn't want to sleep with her which was nice.

Also about halfway through the latest Kim Harrison book which I actually enjoy - some of the characters have weird issues too but none of them close to Anita and her friends.   Also liked Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson series (first book Moon Called)

Wondering whether to read the latest Kushiel's book (Kushiel's Justice).  Did not like the male main character as much as Phedre - but its such a fun world that it might still be worth it.

Now I really should go write a lesson plan for MS Movie night:  To Kill a Mockingbird
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