OOC - Hmmm.... Do I have any? Umm......no less than two full parts to a comment.... and..... someone now uses Word, so I don't have to add anything about that... (lol) and....
About my character - Don't kill her or wound her drastically on purpose. And apart from that.... -lifts my chin slightly and whispers softly- You can do what ever you want to her.....
(Clearly I was bored. lol.)
Please sign below so I know you have read them....
-pulls out a letter opener from my back pocket and twirls it around gently in my hand-
-Arches a brow at the above and looks slightly amused-
Yeah..... You can forget all that, unless you found it entertaining. My mun's sense of humor is warped big time.
So here goes. Listen up, and listen up good or you'll find yourself deleted.
Spelling, grammar, detail, definitely something that holds my interest so I don't get.... -Looks off to the side and up into the air- ....bored.
Comments. I love those. Especially the ones from my baby because they make me all hot and sticky in all the right places. But other than that, this girl is as faithful as they come. -Smirks and looks back- No pun intended. If you've seen my comments or nosed into mine and think I'm going to get down with you as well, then you're mistaken. Very much so.
Content. Hmm... I don't care. Anything goes. I'm down for anything, except sexually. I'm a one guy woman. I've said that though.
I love writing. Don't delete my pretty words, or at least have it in your rules that you do that, then I'll know not to add you. -Shrugs- Everyone has pet hates. That's one of mine.
So, with the exception of my baby, because our SL is ongoing, and who's clearly known because he's the only guy on my pro, I want to receive starters no less than eight parts, and comments no less than six parts, but even that's pushing it.
I know you probably haven't seen me write that much, but yanno, just 'cause you haven't seen it, don't mean I can't do it, and if I've added you and you've seen my short comments to Soul Boy, then you might be a bit shocked to suddenly find one of my really long starters appear in your comments. -Narrows her eyes- And guess what? I can continue to write that much too... -Shrugs- Just giving fair warning, yanno? 'Cause if you can't step up and come close to matching what I give, then you're gonna find yourself.... -Wets her lips slowly and leans forwards- Well....not here.
-Looks thoroughly pissed with a flash of hatred in her eyes- Don't skank my friends off my list. I really hate that. And believe me. If you have over fifty friends and take months to reply... You..... won't..... be..... here..... for.... long.
No biting. Only one person can do that, and I'm pretty sure you're not him. -Smiles tightly and lifts her chin- Did I mention I detail a lot? Because I do. So expect that, and if you don't do it back.... -Rolls her eyes as she starts to get bored and runs her hands down the front of her thighs- Yeah... you'll be gone. And just so I know you've been paying attention, I wanna see you put bunny down below. Don't care how.
Hmm....oh yeah... And no episode re-runs. If I wanted to 'Groundhog Day' it then I'd get someone to knock me out and have myself another coma.
And... Any questions? Message. No 'Got any ideas for an SL?' blah blah. I hate those. I don't plan. Not interesting then. Just go with the flow and see where it takes me. But don't expect a quick answer if I'm screwing.....
-Sighs, clearly bored- And no God Modding, Auto Moving, putting words into my mouth, saying what I'm feeling.... Or any of that other stuff that will just make me want to slice you open and pull out all your pretty insides. And that goes for placing me somewhere without checking first. If you do that, don't expect a reply. -Raises her eyebrows- And that was a warning. Don't expect me to message you about it... unless I'm really bored and done everything that I could do...
-Cocks a brow and wets her lips- You're still listening right? One more thing. -Holds her hands up in a surrendering gesture- Promise. -Tips her head to the side and smiles brightly and speaks slowly with a hard look in her eyes- Canon.... Don't know what that is? Want a clue? -Speaks even more slowly and precisely- Look....it....up.... -Grins more brightly with a glint in her eyes- I'm all about the canon baby. If you're not....then get gone.
-Smiles even more tightly- Yeah I lied... One more thing. I like to be in L.A. I might not start there though. Might leave Cleveland and work my way to L.A. But I will end up in L.A and remain there, unless a mission takes me elsewhere. You see, don't like to stray too far from my baby's arms... Tend to go where I'm needed though. Might pop over to London if it's really called for. But that's it. No trips to Scotland. No trips to Rome. No Re-Resurrected SunnyHell. It's a crater. I'll go, but yeah, unless you want me to kick your ass over the edge so you end up in that big crater, then let's just assume I like it to stay that way. Mention it if you want, but don't expect me to go along with it. Giles? Yeah in England. I went there with him. Had a tussle with B. We don't really talk to her much. And what happened after that is up to me, seeming as I was there with him and everything. And until something different happens. Giles. My 'business partner' will remain in London. Don't like it? Tough.
-Looks off to the side- Let's see. What did I miss.... Don't do the whole 'Hears a noise' at the end of your starter/comment and figure it's gonna be me. Don't like that, so chances are it won't be at all.
-Taps her fingers against her thighs- Hmm.... what else? Back to L.A. Though I've heard some call it HelL.A. nowadays. Well what about me? Yeah there was that big ole battle. I know, my guy was there. He's mentioned it a few times, but not much. He's not always big on the talking. He's more about action, if you know what I mean. -Winks with a glint in her eyes that soon hardens- But you hear things yanno, on the street, so I know what went down. And then some. So....did L.A. get sent to Hell? Not where my guy's concerned. -Talks quietly- Some things even he doesn't know about. So let's not go down that route. There's no magickal barrier surrounding L.A. -Wets her lips lightly- Well unless you want there to be. If so then fair enough. I got me a great reason as to how I got in here and why. -Points to a great big floating fish and Angel, then whispers- If you only know who one of those is, then you're shit out of luck. I'm not gonna tell ya. So you better learn fast if you want to do the whole L.A. got sucked into a Hell Dimension with me. -Slowly smirks- That means you'll have to have a great reason as to why you're here too, and one that I'll like. If not... -Shrugs- regular L.A. it is from here on out.
So I don't mind doing the whole Giles' thing. I can speak for him too if need be. Not too hard. And well... -Slowly smiles with a glint in her eyes.- seeming as I am with Soul Boy, that'll mean that I'll still 'be' with him, no matter where I am. If I start off in England, or whatever, it don't mean I'm not with him. -Raises her eyebrows- I am. -Shrugs a shoulder.- Don't like it? Yanno where the door is... And I'll happily kick your ass on the way out to make sure you don't come back. So if you 'put' Soul Boy in your comments, make sure it falls in line with the fact we're practically joined at the hip most of the time.... -Suddenly grins brightly and shakes her head.- Okay... joined elsewhere. But you get the idea... Don't mean I can't go out and leave his broody ass at home when need be. Where's that? Hyperion obviously. -Rolls her eyes wanting to change the subject.-
-Shakes her head slightly and shifts in her seat.- Don't steal my shit. Took me ages to make it. That includes my name, 'Sexy and Wicked', my baby gave me that one, and first part of my name I tend to shorten. 'Slut-O-Rama'. Believe me I'm the original Slut-O-Rama, and I'm the only one. You take it, and things will hit the fan and not go down well for you...
-Holds hands up in a surrendering gesture as she smiles brightly- Ok... One more thing. Last thing I promise.... You know me right? Wrong.... Chances are you only know just a little bit about me. -Shifts in her seat- See there's a lot of... -Frowns as she thinks of the right word then slowly smiles once more- Depth. Yeah, that's it. There's a lot of depth to me. I know all about me. -Tilts her head with a mischievous spark in her eyes- And guess what? Chances are I know all about you too. -Lifts her chin after she uprights her head and raises her eyebrows- But... Do you know about you? Because if you don't. And believe me, you get something wrong about yourself, and I happen to spot it, and believe me, I'm really good at that. Chances are, you won't be staying here long, so take a good look around and memorize all my pretty things while you can, unless you're gonna do it right....
Yes I read the comics. So if you send a starter/comment and it don't make sense at all. Not in line with the comics. Buffyverse ones that is. I might reply, but don't expect my comment to go along with yours. I'm canonical when it comes to the Buffyverse comics, though I'm a bit behind mind you. Buffy...BORING! Mainly because she still has her head firmly planted up her own ass. Have whatever go on your end. But don't mess with what's going on with Faith and Giles, or Angel actually, seeming as Faith's body tends to revolve around his a lot. That's my thing to be able to change if I please. Unless of course you're RPin' a Giles, or are actually my Angel. Only have one Angel. And will only have one.
And come to think of it. I'm gonna go in line with mostly what's going on with the new season of Angel too. So if your character died, and came back, then it better fall in line with what's going on. Don't care when. Have Gunn be a vamp, and all evil. I can work with it. Easily have a way for Faith to get her ass into Hel.L.A., or have it as far as I've read up to, Gunn back, and human still because Angel saved him instead of him getting turned while he was busy with his Dragon Whispering. Either way it needs to make sense to me, or I won't be able to type, because, well nothing will pop into my head.
Obviously that applies to other characters too. In the Buffy/Angelverse. Dead. Alive. Whatever. Long as it all makes sense and is believable to me, and well, just imagine Joss was reading what you wrote. If he wouldn't believe it, chances are I won't.
Sorry, but I'm not doing the whole Twilight thing. The timeline of it all just doesn't make logical sense to me.
All the usual stuff applies if you want to RP with me. Don't control my character. Don't speak for my character.
Don't assume my character is somewhere just because of what I've written above. Don't put words into her mouth. Or feelings for that matter. Or place her anywhere. Unless you message and check first. I hate crap like that. If you're gonna bring Angel into it, assume her and him are together. Been practically doing it like Energizer Bunnies. Which means no one knows about it because they've hardly left the Hyperion and seen any one else, unless it's in a SL. So if we haven't RP'd before, then assume you don't know anything about Faith and Angel, except he's hardly been seen because he has been busy with her. Yeah...doing the whole patrolling thing too. He hasn't shirked any of his duties.
I'm starting to get déjà vu now. Faith already said all this...
For God's sake, if you're going to have your character do or go somewhere, and wish my character to come along; don't just write it in. Message me OOC and check first, though I tend to reply IC. Most of the time my character does what she wants. Even I don't 'control' what she does. I'm merely the tool that types for her. And I don't tend to plan things with her either. So check first and don't just assume she'll do something. And don't just assume she won't be in L.A. straight away. How things are lately, I like to RP in the present, or near the present with her. So chances are if our characters meet, it will be because she's nipped out for 'air' to get a breather from all that's happening between her and Angel. But...don't assume she'll be different with your character. She's only different with Angel, more evolved in some aspects because he knows her better than anyone else does. She's the same ole Faith with everyone else, so keep that in mind.
And Faith wasn't kidding. I do write a lot. If you send me a starter that's too short, you won't get a reply from me. My starters are long. The least one I have is like eight parts, but I'm more likely to send out a fourteen part starter. Comment replies vary. But unless I say otherwise, and you claim to be multi-para/novella, then you best at least attempt to come close to matching my comment length. You don't, then no reply from me.
Oh and yeah... I'm very versatile with Faith and can roleplay in any verse that she will fit into easily. She doesn't have to be all about slaying vampires and demons. She can be mission based, even if the mission is one she's literally thrown into without warning, and that includes missions with other verses, like Supernaturalverse for example. That includes normalverse, as long as it's exciting enough for her so she doesn't get...bored...
Done. Sign. I'm sure you know the drill.... I'll add more when I want to, and not always just to the bottom. Might stick something new in the middle.
Yeah, I know things are different here at LiveJournal. But the above is how I've been writing as Faith pretty much from the beginning. I can promise not to do humongous starters, but I can't say I won't go over that initial word count in future posts. I only tend to stop when it feels right. That's why I don't have my character bump into yours straight away, so I can fit all my snazz and bits in before they do.
And if you skipped all the way down to the bottom without reading all of the above, don't bother signing below. If you can't read that much in one go then you just might have trouble getting through most of my posts.
©(S-O-R) S&W.