Updated muselist

Apr 28, 2010 11:37


@ mayfield_rpg

Meriken | Afghanis-tan |thebestnation

France | Hetalia |flowercensored

Flora Reinhold | Professor Layton | bbsatbyrobots

Trisha Elric | Fullmetal Alchemist | alwysthere4u

Thailand | Hetalia | nirvananation

@ thewake_rp

Russia | Hetalia | wontyoubewithme


Sokka | Avatar: the last airbender | universehatesme  and meat4all

Dimitri | Anastasia | kitchenboycons

Colonel Sherman T Potter | M*A*S*H | explodingstill

Mercutio | Romeo and Juliet | queenmabjoker

Canada | Hetalia | andmemorize

Mannen | Pretear | strongestofice

Belldandy | Ah! My Goddess | musical_wings

Liesel | The book thief | thiefofbooks

Kudou | Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei | cooolstorybro

Sweden | SaTW |itsjustabridge

Greece | Hetalia | turkeycandie 
Elysia Hughes | Fullmetal Alchemist | kodak_princess

Bellatrix Lestrange | Harry Potter | madlittleditty

Sora | Kingdom Hearts | harkeninglight

Miguel | Road To Eldorado | blazingtrails

Tulio | Road To Eldorado | No journal yet

Amelie | Amelie | aroundaboutway

The Major | Hellsing | kriegbeginnt

Pip | Hellsing | No journal yet

Seras | Hellsing | No journal yet

Alfons | FMA the Movie | flymethemoon 
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