*smiles* You most certainly did make differences! I have artwork of swans in front of my pc. They are beautiful, and made me teary when they turned up with the accompanying words. Every once in a while, I look at it and smile. It reminds me of the story you sent with it, of a wonderful afternoon, of the look on your face as you "got it" - and as I did too! And it reminds me too of all those wonderful things that friendships are. And that we need to catch up with each other more often!
I started the month really well and got a lot of pleasure from sending letters and hoping that they would make people smile - unfortunately lots of things then went wrong and I realised, luckily before posting them (one being yours)that they were not positive and reflected the not very good place I was in - therefore my month of letters has been extended and will hopefully be starting again very soon - starting with yours! Thank you for the book, and the letter and yours will be with you soon, life is getting better now :-)
I AM going to reply to your last letter, I so enjoyed receiving it. Time is one of those tricky things that keeps running away without me. You've done so well on your month of letters, I don't think I would have managed it.
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