It's 0530 in the morning, and I've probably slept a total of 4 hours. "Why?" You ask. Because certain felines of mine have gone missing.
At about 1700 last night, Tim and I discovered that Oreo was no where to be found. I came home from work, but aside from that no one had been outside, so we figured he had to be somewhere in the house. We searched until about 1800, at which point we had to leave to go to bowling. We figured that he would be sitting in the middle of the living room floor waiting for food by the time we got back.
We got back around 2130. No cat. We turned the entire house upside down. Still no cat. At this point Tim and I are both near panicked. All I can think is that he's curled up somewhere and dying. I called
valkyrwench and
twfarlan in a panic and bawling my eyes out. (Thanks to both of you for trying to calm me down.) Finally I put the food bowl up and Tim and I laid down to go to sleep. I figured if the food bowl was out of reach, he'd come jump on the bed and beg for food.
Well...Tim and I just couldn't sleep not knowing where Oreo was. I think one of us got up every hour to recheck the house and look outside the front door just in case he had managed to slip out. During at least two of those random checks, Tim and I both broke down into tears because we couldn't find the cat. We also started talking about putting up posters/flyers/knocking on doors tomorrow. Not stuff that helped my state of mind.
At 0430 this morning, I heard this banging. I woke up and waited and hear it again. So Tim and I both went downstairs. I opened the front door, and in struts Oreo. He immediately looks up at us and meows loudly in the "Food NOW!" way. So, after hugging him, I put his food bowl down for him and he proceeded to devour his food.
He's home now. In his travels he managed to resharpen his claws to pin-pricks (I normally keep them trimmed for our safety) and he managed to get reallydirty. Happily he didn't encounter any skunks and, aside from seeming rather tired, he seems none the worse for wear.
He will be wearing his collar again from now on...