Title:The Doumeki Shizuka Files, or What Really Happened in the Music Room (as Recorded, Researched and Compiled by Investigative Underground Journalist Kumo Maki)
Author: Mushroom
Author's Notes: Inspired by episode #49 of the anime Card Captor Sakura, which is entitled Sakura and the Dangerous Piano. Thanks to
star_flare for the beta-read! The style is
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Comments 27
You write moar? ^_^
I really liked the style and would love to see more fic like this. It was really intriguing and I alternately lol'd and aww'd, especially at: I love you, I know I need you, but I can’t depend on you, I never will, and you deserve someone who can. Because if Watanuki ever said that, I wouldn't know whether to cry or fangirl.
Oh, and I really loved this line: The moment he stepped on the shai and faced the target, we knew he was in too deep. I loved the whole description of archery and then that line just made me go, Oh. Oh, Doumeki. I just, askjdl &hearts&hearts&hearts The sound of my brain breaking. :D
And now I want to meet the archery guy. Everyone is making a big deal out of it. Everyone’s asking questions. But all you need to do is to watch Doumeki-san. Seriously, observant-archer-boys are totally my type.
I would love to see more fic in this vein.
I spent a lot of time revising the archer boy too, so I'm glad he sounded good!
Thank you very much! ♥
this needs more. could you? would you? ^^
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