Title: The Sublime Moment Rating: Adult Summary: A woman meets an ex-girlfriend in a coffee shop, and remembers. A/N: The title and the story is influenced by Salvador Dali's painting of the same name.
Living by myself has taught my many things. I think it's supposed to be "taught me"?
There's also a grammar error in the last letter, but I'm trying to figure out whether or not it's deliberate. XD
AND I'M SORRY BUT I COULDN'T GET THE MILA FROM HOTEL DUSK OFF MY HEAD WHILE I WAS READING THIS. Even though they're clearly different. x__x I'm not sure what to think of this piece - first person + present tense is pretty tricky, and I'm not sure if the tense in this case is appropriate (even though I abuse present tense myself, lol)? Some parts fit perfectly, but some parts feel weird in my head, idk, maybe that's just me, haha. But the ending is so worth it. Please don't laugh or make fun of me, I swear, it may be strange but it's the truth. I think it's yours. This is your baby, our baby. You're the only one who has been inside me. ♥
Woops! Sorry for the extremely late reply, I completely forgot about posting this.
Thank you yet again for all the nice corrections, you are so good to me sweetie ;_; I`ll reread the whole thing again -- I wrote this on pad paper in my room at 3 AM, so I blame the insomnia and my own carelessness. Haha!
Comments 2
I think it's supposed to be "taught me"?
There's also a grammar error in the last letter, but I'm trying to figure out whether or not it's deliberate. XD
AND I'M SORRY BUT I COULDN'T GET THE MILA FROM HOTEL DUSK OFF MY HEAD WHILE I WAS READING THIS. Even though they're clearly different. x__x I'm not sure what to think of this piece - first person + present tense is pretty tricky, and I'm not sure if the tense in this case is appropriate (even though I abuse present tense myself, lol)? Some parts fit perfectly, but some parts feel weird in my head, idk, maybe that's just me, haha. But the ending is so worth it. Please don't laugh or make fun of me, I swear, it may be strange but it's the truth. I think it's yours. This is your baby, our baby. You're the only one who has been inside me. ♥
Thank you yet again for all the nice corrections, you are so good to me sweetie ;_; I`ll reread the whole thing again -- I wrote this on pad paper in my room at 3 AM, so I blame the insomnia and my own carelessness. Haha!
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