A fanfic I might write one day

Apr 21, 2010 20:13

terri_osborne posted a blog entry where she mentions In Plain Sight and Doctor Who, two of my favorite shows. Normally I don't even think of writing fanfic but this is an inspired crossover. So, a tv-guide style blurb and sample quote follows behind the cut:

"Mary and Marshall must protect a schizophrenic man who witnessed a gruesome murder. Matters become complicated when he stops taking his medication, and tries to convince them that he is, in fact, an alien time traveler, known as the 'Doctor'.

"When he was ranting about the Daleks and Manhattan and having three hours to save the world, he didn't mean Manhattan New York, he meant the Manhattan Project - Los Alamos! Less than three hours away." Marshall paused. "Well less than two the way you drive."

I'll let you know if I ever write it.

possible fanfic

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