Singapore Vacation, New banner + footer~

May 05, 2009 09:54

New appearance!
Ureshii desu~~
Now I have a new banner and footer for my LJ! ^^ They're made by fragile321 *huugsss*
Thanks Jeannie!~~ *wait a long time, but it was worth it :D*
Now2.. Mukai Osamu will greet you once you enter my small heaven..

SG vacation + shopping~~
Now2, where was I?? On hiatus for more than a month, yes.
Totally busy TwT
After Exam, directly ( Read more... )

mukai osamu, random

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Comments 9

queenofalldorks May 5 2009, 09:34:21 UTC
awwww you are back! *glomps*
lol @ the boyfriend stuff, hey why don't you find a boy who doesn't need that much of attention? xP


sorenka May 5 2009, 14:51:21 UTC
Waaaa Achacha! *miss you... huhugz*
Things were hectic, but its gonna be stable now ^^
Surely I will comment on your entries again :D

Tentang pacar, haduh, mana bisa Cha? XD
Ga ada tipe begitu kali.. Kalo ga dijaga nanti kabur


queenofalldorks May 6 2009, 05:34:08 UTC
ada kok mbakyu,
ntu punya saia ahaha
kalo dijaga malah ngabur dia.. sama kek gw hahaha xD


sorenka May 6 2009, 05:48:26 UTC
Kalian pasangan antik hoahaha


hiroki_chan May 5 2009, 14:27:23 UTC
ohisashiburi!! xD
waaaaaaaa lama ga ngobrol :D

ahaha, ternyata ga cuman aku yg berpikiran "untung gw skrg jomblo" LOL
soalnya aku jg lg sibuk nge-game, anime & tugas rasanya ga kuat klo harus menyisakan waktu buat pacar ~_~

km ngajar apa toh? bhs inggris?


sorenka May 5 2009, 14:56:48 UTC
Waaaa Heldi~~~ *huhugz* Lama ga ketemu! ^^
Iya, aku ngajar Inggris... Business English Writing sih nama mata kuliahnya. Sumpah mumet aku minggu ini Hel..

Tapi kalo punya pacar, enaknya cari yang merhatiin kita tanpa menuntut perhatian ya~ ^^ Terutama untuk cewek2 sibuk macam kita inih hahaha


kurogin May 5 2009, 15:39:24 UTC
Post some pictures of the trip! Pictures! :D


sorenka May 5 2009, 19:22:18 UTC
Wahahaha sure2~~ I will post a new thread full of pics ASAP


c_espoir May 13 2009, 10:38:34 UTC
Aku baru sadar bu kalo udah lama g visit journal mu...
Kenapa ya?? I wonder....

Tutor work=sucks!!
Cannot agree more, dear~
Podo ae Yol, murid2ku ya kumpulno e malah sehari sebelum kumpul, aku ampe subuh sek mriksai kerjaan mereka (yang hancur banget itu....minta dicekek satu2 itu...)
Wish they don't ask me to do this next semester....


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