As I had indicated, I'm going to post now about the Dave Brubeck concert. (If you were paying attention, you'll know this means I've returned home.) This means that you can stop reading for now if you want, because to post about my excursion would truly be a waste of everyone's time.
The first thing I remember thinking when Dave Brubeck walked onstage was,
"Dear God, it's Dave Brubeck."
The second thing I thought was,
"Dear God, it's Dave Brubeck."
(If you don't have any idea who Dave Brubeck is, you can go
He'll be 85 years old in December, and he walks like it and talks like it. He doesn't look like it though, and he certainly doesn't play the piano like it. He is still every bit as good as he ever was, and in some ways, perhaps better.
...I dunno. All of a sudden I got tired of writing, so I'll put a bow on this and maybe stuff a few more sentences in it at a later date.
Really, it was a fantastic concert, best I've ever attended. They played "Take Five," of course, and a few ones from his new album, "London Flat, London Sharp," which were fantastic, though I have yet to find the album anywhere...I can only assume it's selling out.
As good as Brubeck, Militelo and Moore were, Randy Jones, the drummer, played...just unbelievably well. He went off on a couple of solos that left me shaking my head. I used to think that Art Blakey was the best drummer I'd ever heard, but I think Jones made me change my mind. I was very simply dazzled.
There you have it. Now go away and leave this bitter, jaded old man to his own devices. >_>