I know that someone else had subbed this but ... well ... xD I know when I almost finished :)) And I absolutely love this performance ♥
Real reason is I kara-time 3 vids at the same time so I can't be fast
MSSL this year is quite good ♥ I like moumoon and Ayumi performances ♥
JE boys are great (as always).
RAW: dozchan @ lj
Roman & Kanji: jpopasia
Trans & Sub: soritt @ lj
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Do not upload to streaming sites.
Keep my credit + Tell me if you want to post it elsewhere.
Comments are loved ♥
P/S: OMG Shounen Club Premium Christmas Special this year is really special ♪♫ Heikeha's performance and Baby Baby are sooo great xD
I wanna sub Baby Baby too, but someone else had done it :))But I think I'll sub it anyway :">
And... ah... anyone has the mp3 file of STAY WITH ME sung by Otokogumi ? It's in their 3rd album named "San". There's download link of the album but in a locked post T_____T
So if someone has the file :"> Please share *puppy eyes*