SPN drabble: Sooner Or Later (girl!Dean/Jo, NC-17)

Dec 21, 2008 15:16

Story of my life, man, write a fic and then take longer to find a title than I did to write it. *headdesk*

Title: Sooner Or Later
Pairing: girl!Dean/Jo
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jo is blonde like she is.
Word Count: 150
Spoilers: I guess 2x02, 2x05, 2x06 (basically, the ones Jo was in)
Notes/Warnings: Unbetaed. Originally posted here, written for Comment Porn Month. Title from Patty Griffin.
Prompt: Desperate
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor do I profit from their use here. This is only for fun.

Jo is blonde like she is, but she isn't rough, doesn't yet have the constant dark ache at the back of her mind that Dean does. She uses Dean as an example for her mother of why she should be allowed to hunt, she does it, flashes of Sam's rebellion familiar in her eyes. Dean thinks, You're nothing like me.

She's soft and pale and unscarred where Dean touches her, wide-eyed with surprise when she licks across her clit. She's young and has potential and Dean feels like she's corrupting her just by touching. Tasting. Her fingers brush through Dean's hair, tugging through a snag, and her thighs tremble under Dean's hands where she's got them spread apart. She makes a desperate keening sound as she gets close, and her muscles clench up, the hot skin of her legs pressing in hard against Dean's bare shoulders as she comes.

fanfiction, supernatural, dean/jo, drabbles, spn fic, rated nc-17, femmeslash

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