Numb3rs drabble: Guaranteed to Satisfy (Don, Coop, G)

May 02, 2007 19:53

Okay, so first neur0vanity wrote Stay, which has a scene where Don and Coop play gay chicken. I begged for MORE gay chicken and promised her a couple of drabbles if she wrote it. She DID write it (Gay Chicken, go read it) and her drabble prompts were Ice Cream and Gun. I haven't written Gun yet but here's Ice Cream:

Title: Guaranteed to Satisfy
Characters/Pairing: Don, Coop, secret
Rating: G
Summary: So freakin' hot.
Word Count: 300!
Spoilers: only in that Coop exists
Notes/Warnings: Written specially for neur0vanity, for the prompt "ice cream." :-* Unbetaed. Title and cut tag from "Ice Cream Man" by Van Halen.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. I'm just playing with them.

"I can't believe it's so fu-freakin' hot," Coop groaned, plucking at his damp t-shirt. "And no offense, but you are not exactly helping, baby. You're like a furnace."

The only reply he received was a deep, snuffling breath as the heat source burrowed closer.

"Yeah, I know, I'm irresistible," he said quietly. "I guess that's life."

The door opened and he looked up, then let his head drop back in a prayer of thanks. "Ohh, ice cream. You're a lifesaver."

Don looked at him in amusement. "Have you been lying like that this whole time?"

"Are you kidding me? I'm pinned! I couldn't move if I wanted to." He shifted slightly to prove his point and froze at the tiny whimper the movement caused.

Don shook his head as he opened a box of ice cream bars. "Don't worry so much. She'll be fine if she's not clutching to you constantly." He extracted two bars and walked over to the bed.

"C'mere, sweetheart," he murmured, reaching down. Coop's heart clenched at the cries that immediately started, up, but Don just rolled his eyes.

"You're okay," he said, and tossed an ice cream bar onto Coop's vacated chest. "Eat up, we don't have a freezer. Oh, and," he frowned, glancing down. "Hand me a napkin, would you? I don't want to drip on her head."

Coop snorted and tossed him a paper napkin from the nightstand. Don settled into the room's lone armchair and balanced the baby on his lap before dropping the napkin onto her head.

She stopped crying and tilted her head up, blinking confusedly at Don. He gave her his brightest grin and she responded with a tiny smile that turned into a giggle when he poked her belly gently.

"She still likes me more," Coop grunted.

baby!fic, fanfiction, n3 fic, rated g, drabbles, gen, numb3rs

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