If you need to reach me for the foreseeable future:

Aug 30, 2003 15:37

E-mail access is unreliable. Please contact me by phone at 425/442-0282 (and leave a message if I don't answer - I may not have been able to find a place to charge my phone), or you can check to see if my phone is signed on to AIM - screen name is "grayautumnday".

I also have a mailing address available. If you need it, please call me or e-mail alekseira@comcast.net for it, he's online a lot more often than I am, and it's his & nbtht's address, so I'm not going to give it out here.

I know I'm bad about responding - hopefully things will improve soon.

Needs list (If you can spare it without any burden to you - PDX area):
-friends that would be willing to let me use the internet once a week for an hour
-a medium-size well-insulated cooler to borrow for a month
-a small camp-stove to borrow for a month
-friends willing to lend a shower once a week this next month to me & Chuck
-friends willing to offer a place to wash 1 load of laundry during the month (even if only one-time)
-Referrals to anyone you know who needs housecleaning, yardwork, or handywork done. Even if it's just in exchange for a couple of no-meat meals that's cool too. I don't have a problem working for food right now. I have the basic cleaning supplies but no vacuum/mop/broom, so those would need to be supplied at the cleaning location.
-anyone who is already doing the above, but needs an extra hand on a job or few, please let me know
-Last but DEFINITELY not least: friends who are willing to just hang out or go for walks & talk about interesting no-stress subjects. :)

Love & Will,
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