It’s been a while since I posted so I thought I’d jump back on the bandwagon for a bit. :-P I guess at the moment, I’m feeling sort of
blah. Things are changing so quickly that I am forced to just look around me once again and for once in a long while, really reevaluate things. For one thing, a neighbor of ours passed away about two weeks ago and it just came as a shock since he seemed to be in good health. Fast forward to today, I attended the reception after the funeral of the father of a friend of mine. The father was only in his early fifties and way too young to have passed. But that doesn’t seem to have averted the event in any case. Also today, my brother finally moved away to his new home in VA. It just almost seems surreal that all of this is happening: people dying, and people moving away. But of course, it’s been like this long before I even contemplated about the fickleness that is life.
And so, sitting in front of my computer tonight, I am thinking of how things are going and what I’d like to change about my current situation. Sadly, I know this feeling will pass in the morning after I wake up. But it helps to write it all down so maybe I can reminisce about this peculiar feeling and feel moved to action. However, it is probably a folly to think that more people won’t be leaving me anytime soon. Nonetheless, it never does help to keep looking backwards. Got to keep looking forward if we’re ever going to do big things in life; or even just to get ahead. In any case, I’d like to take a few more minutes to think about what I’d like to do to change the future.
Perhaps moving things helps to clarify the serendipitous nature of life and how things can just change on a whim and at the blink of an eye. Who knows if we’ll be around tomorrow to see the sun rise or do whatever? What we do know is that having a plan for the future can help us get a better grasp on things to come. But again, plans need to be flexible because things certainly don’t happen the way we intend them to most of the time. So I guess this is more of a post for me to remind myself to take tomorrow by the collar and just figure out something to do. It’s too easy to just go with the flow and do the bare minimum to get by. But what ever happened to self improvement, to growth, to contentment? I shall have to get started for 15 minutes every day and start towards that end. It’s now 8:13pm. What am I waiting for?