1. Name:Sheila
2. Age:29
Remember to explain why/elaborate on the following questions.
3. Have you read all 6 Harry Potter Books? Which book was your favorite? Yes I have read all six books. As far as my favorite it’s a strong toss up between order of the phoenix and half blood prince. I really liked OP because of Dumbledore’s army. I like they way the students were scared looked to Harry and Harry stood up to bat. Go Harry! Also that the students formed together, no matter their differences, to work together to better protect themselves or others. Plus the fact the totally back Dumbledore in every way and called themselves his army. And enter Tonks. Up to this point Hermione was my favorite character but took spot number two once Tonks walked in. Now as for the half blood prince, I like how Dumbledore final took Harry completely under his wing and had the pensive session with him so Harry could better understand what was going on. Almost as if he treated Harry as a grandson. And then of course, there’s finally the physical proof of Snape’s betrayal. Most importantly, to me, Tonks appearing more often in the book. I loved the way she randomly appeared when Harry was up to something. It was as if she was his personal bodyguard. And can I just say, it’s about damn time Ron and Hermione, and Harry and Ginny hooked up.
4. Which house qualities do you value most? I would have to go with Hufflepuff because of their loyalty, patience and honesty. Without those three things in your life it would be chaotic. No matter if it is a friendship or a relationship with someone you love. Patience is needed because not all people are the same and we all do things to get on each others nerves. Loyalty because without that someone will get hurt (which usually happens no matter what). And honesty, though it does have its time and place, without it there can’t be much trust.
5. What are your pet peeves? Oh where to begin. I hate it when people change plans at the last minuet and don’t end up doing anything at all. Cleaning up after the damn slobs I work with, I mean WTF?? I’m not your maid and how come I have to do it?! Oh yeah that’s right, because no one else gives a damn >.< ummm I hate it when people drive under the freaking speed limit, It so drives me nuts. Wet willies, yes I hate them along with hickies (on myself, don’t care if others have them) . I’m a bit of a procrastinator so it hate it when people insist on, “No, do it now!” crapp. Kicking of the back of my chair in a movie. Talking and laughing so I cant hear the movie. I’m sure there is more but that should be enough for now.
6. Based from your personality, what kind of Animagus would you be? (The animal chooses you, you don’t choose it.) The animal that would choose me would be a Clawless Congo Otter people tell me I am very playful and fun person I can see that but I don’t think I’m as hyper as an otter, ok maybe sometimes… depends on the day/mood.
7. What shape would your Boggart take? (Remember: Your Boggart takes the shape of the thing that you fear the most.) *takes a deep breath* Ok, my Boggart would take the shape of my Ex . We have been apart for almost two years not but I fear her terribly! Really don’t want to get into details but I will say she screwed me mentally and scared me for life.
8. What do you worry about the most and why? (Note: This is not the same thing that your Boggart becomes. Your biggest fear and your biggest worry are two different things.) I worry about growing old and being deathly alone. Like living in the mountains, miles from the nearest town, outlived all my family members and have no one. Yeah that worries me a lot. I love people, hanging out with friends and making people laugh and/or happy. Without that… I would wither away.
9. Would you put your name in the Goblet of Fire? Hell yes. Most people don’t know but I’m a very competitive person. I don’t express it to others and if I do win I don’t gloat on it either. But it does make me warm & fuzzy inside heh. If I loose I’m like “Eh, least I tried and gave it my best.”
10. What do you believe is the greatest weapon you possess? How, why, and when would you use it? Most definitely my secrecy. There is not a single person on this earth that knows everything about me. I use it all the time in many different ways. Hell I use it just about everyday a work. People are all like ‘How can you be all cheery and chipper?’ The majority of the time I am actually not. I’m just pretending to make the better of a situation. If I’m depressed I usually act happy. If I like someone I act like I don’t (that’s more of a fear to tell them heh). Yeah that’s enough about that… not revealing anymore *shifty eyes*
11. Would you ever want to be a prefect? No! As much as I love the responsibilities, I love goofing off better. That and I am not a very well organized person.
12. What quality do you admire above all others? Do you feel that it is a quality you or the people you surround yourself with possess? I am not a vain person so I go for personality. Humorous, fun loving, carefree and the like. This is a quality both I and all the people I hang with do have. I feel it is important because, I mean, how could you actually enjoy life otherwise?
13. What are the worst qualities that you believe a person can possess? Why do you feel this way? The worst quality would have to be closed minds. How the hell can you tell what someone ids like or who they are just by looking at them? Or because they are gay they aren’t worth your time to get to know? Or because they wear only black and have tattoos they are dangerous? I hate that!! Hmmm I should have put that under the pet peeves too. (let’s just pretend I did mmkay? Thanks)
14. If you were to look into the Mirror of Erised, what would you see? That is a tough one. I think if I were to look in the mirror I would see me with my best friend by my side surrounded by her kids.
15. How many people do you consider true friends? What qualities do they have that are important to you? Why are they your friends? I have 4 true friends. They have never lied to me and I know I could tell them anything and they wouldn’t tell other people. Trustworthyness is the biggest quality I look for in friends. They are my friends because they have a lot of the same personality qualities that I have. That and hella fun to hang around. Make me laugh and know how to have a good time.
16. What are your thoughts on Voldemort? Well my thoughts on him are these: He could be basically prototyped as any other political psychopath that has killed other people to gain power. I myself am a very non-political person but I don’t think it is right to kill people in cold blood.
17. What do you think are your main 3 characteristics? Individualism, I like to be different from the rest. March to the beat of my drummer I guess you could say. Spontaneity, I think it’s the spice of life and I randomly do things on the fly, I even blurt out random acts of thought. Caring would be my third. I am a very caring person of my friends and family, I get a little protective to.
18. What house do you feel you belong in? If I had to guess I would probably say Hufflepuff.
19. "Blood or water" - Which is more important; friends or family? there is a very thin line there Because where blood is thicker than water, friends can become family members. I believe it depends on how close you are to your friends and family members. Me personally, I have friends that are like family and my blood family treats them like family too. So I would have to say they are pretty equal in my book.
20. How did you find out about us? (House points are given to users who refer you here.) A few of the people I RP with told me about it : )