
Oct 12, 2005 20:42

1. Name: Harry James Hanson (Yes, that is my real name. Yes, I realize I have the same first and middle name as Mr. Harry James Potter. And yes, he as named after me. Hahaha...)
2. Age: 15

Remember to explain why/elaborate on the following questions.

3. Have you read all 6 Harry Potter Books? Which book was your favorite?
Yes, I have read all six. Actually, I didn't like any of them considerably until book #4... the earlier three were lacking... zest. The Goblet of Fire was certainly my favorite; I find competitions exhilerating.

4. Which house qualities do you value most?
Mm... I hate to sound stupid, but I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this question. Do you mean, the individual qualities (Bravery, Intelligence, Kindness, etc...) or the quality of houses in general, as in, the sense of community? And, which do I value or which do I like? Mm... well, I'll assume you're talking about the aforementioned individual qualities. The ones I find the most important, and appropriate, would be intelligence and wit, meaning Ravenclaw.

5. What are your pet peeves?
Incompetent wait-staff (waiters & waitresses & otherwise), getting sand in my shoes, computer crashes, nuclear wars, when people in front of me in the hallway at school are walking incredibly slowly, and when somebody pronounces the word "caramel" as "kare-uh-mell," and not "karr-mul."

6. Based from your personality, what kind of Animagus would you be?
I'd have to say a rabbit. They're keen, quick, and instinctual... and who doesn't like a rabbit? Plus, carrots are amazing.

7. What shape would your Boggart take? Probably a flesh-eating zombie with a lazy eye. The lazy eye makes it a double whammy; I find them intimidating.

8. What do you worry about the most and why?
My grades/getting into the college of my choice. (right now Brown or Yale) It's ridiculous. I'm #1 in my class, but only because I sacrifice my sleep, health, and well-being to stay anywhere from 2 to 4 in the morning doing the best possible job on all homework and essays.

9. Would you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?
Of course. I already stated that I value competition, and not only that but I am sure, confident, and ambitious, meaning that if I were to be chosen I would make sure I succeeded.

10. What do you believe is the greatest weapon you possess? How, why, and when would you use it?
I take it we're not talking physically, correct? Well, the most general answer would be "my brain," but that makes me sound arrogant, and isn't very detailed. So I'll have to go with my persuasive abilities. Getting what I want, when I went, from who I want. It's rather obvious as th when somebody would use persuasive abilities... when somebody says "no," to them. But, I suppose I only use persuasion when that person's "no" answer would have a directly negative effect on myself, or someone I care about.

11. Would you ever want to be a prefect?
Sure; they have more privileges than other students, and get more respect from teachers as well as those in the lower grades.

12. What quality do you admire above all others? Do you feel that it is a quality you or the people you surround yourself with possess?
A good liar. No, really. Being a good liar would be better than being very smart, or very worldly, because you could "be" all of those things without actually "being" all of them. And, good lord, no. If everybody was a wonderful liar there would be no reality. I'm an actor, so I'm a fairly good liar. Some friends of mine are as well, but I think it just comes down to reflexes, really. How fast you can react to a situation, and produce a believable scenario.

13. What are the worst qualities that you believe a person can possess? Why do you feel this way?
Ignorance. Ignorance gets in the way of so many things... your own personal goals and life, as well as others' respect for you and how you are judged. And plus, if you're excessively ignorant you can never see/know things for the way that they truely are, and therefore what you know is a lie, and your life isn't worth much. Now, by no means am I saying that ignorant people are 'stupid,' because any intelligent person can tell you that ignorance and stupidity are entirely different things. I'm just saying that enlightenment is a good thing, knowledge is a good thing. If I was ignorant to something (as I definitely am) I would like to be told what the truth really is. (Just ask if you want more clarification on this.)

14. If you were to look into the Mirror of Erised, what would you see?
I would see a wildly successful, fabulously wealthy, and world-renowned fashion photographer, surrounded by beautiful people who praise me. (That is the shallowest thing I have ever said in my entire life. Then again, I'm only human.)

15. How many people do you consider true friends? What qualities do they have that are important to you? Why are they your friends?
Not very many, to be honest with you. For someone to be my true friend, I think we should almost be able to read each other's minds. One glance, and one will know what the other is thinking. Friendship has to be a very strong bond.

16. What are your thoughts on Voldemort?
He didn't get enough love in his childhood. No, seriously. I'm not joking. Think about it... the adoption, the orphanage... the background... hmm, well, now that I think about it, the violent tendancies were probably genetic, too. Obviously, he could've been a brilliant wizard who was cherished by society for doing great things, as Dumbledore was. But he needed strong positive influences, and he didn't have any. I wonder what he would've been like if he had been in Hufflepuff. Now there's an interesting thought, isn't it?

17. What do you think are your main 3 characteristics?
I'm artistic, scholarly, and can make people laugh easily.

18. What house do you feel you belong in?
Ravenclaw; While I do think I'm ambitious (indicating Gryffindor) it is always geared towards academics, which points us back to Ravenclaw. And, while I am pretentious and conniving when I want to be, those characteristics are not outstanding enough for me to be in Slytherin. And basically, I'm not nice enough to be in Hufflepuff. Ravenclaw seems like a logical answer to me.

19. "Blood or water" - Which is more important; friends or family?
Family; a family's love, honesty, and trust is eternal and everlasting... or at least, that's how it's supposed to be. While you always have your friends to stand by you, it's your family that would throw themselves in front of a moving train to save your life.

20. How did you find out about us? (House points are given to users who refer you here.)
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