All the good pensieve puns have already been taken

Apr 01, 2006 13:36

1. Name: Roo. Actually, it's Heather, but Roo's fine.

2. Age: 20

3. Why shouldn't we squib you? certainly could, I suppose; it is your community after all. But I'm intelligent and fun and looking for a non-fangirly place to hang, and I think I could really add something to the community. I am a big believer in brevity, so my application may seem short, but I hope that you'll read it and take it on its merits and not length.

4. How much time can you and do you intend to actually contribute to this community?
I can't honestly say as much time as I'd like - college and work are pretty time consuming, but I do spend a fair amount of time on the Internet, procrastinating like a good little university student.

5. Have you read all 6 Harry Potter Books? Which one was your favorite?
I have indeed. I read Sorcerer's Stone way back in 1997 - at that time there was no other HP book but Sorcerer's Stone and the name "Harry Potter" meant absolutely nothing to the average layperson (I'd like to take credit for walking around my junior high brandishing my battered copy and telling anyone who'd listen that they absolutely HAD to read this amazing book that I found :D). For that reason, Sorcerer's Stone has the heaviest sentimental value and is certainly the most reread; it reminds me of being young and suddenly thrust into this wonderful magical world just like Harry.

In a literary sense, the props have to go to Prisoner of Azkaban - it's a major turning point both plotwise and in the lives of the characters - light to dark, childhood to adulthood. While the first two books tend to work as stand-alone pieces, to my mind, PoA is where the real series begins in terms of flow. It's tightly woven, it's suspenseful, and the twist is, in my opinion, one of the best ever written.

6. Who is your favorite character in the Harry Potter books?
Sirius Black. I love characters with many shades of gray, characters you can fight for. I know a lot of people were down on him after the Snape bullying incident, but I like the idea that good people aren't perfect, that everyone has regret in their past but that they can change. In fact, that's probably the main reason I prefer Sirius to Snape, even though they're both delightfully ambiguous: you can hate Sirius and still not doubt his goodness. He might be impulsive, he might be childish, but you know that deep down, he'll fight to the death for you. He's also a much-needed window into Harry's past and I deeply regret that we didn't get to fully utilize that before he died. I would have liked to see more of him.

7. Who is your least favorite character in the series?
Probably Cho Chang. I dug Harry's adorable crush on her in Goblet of Fire, but her drama-queen act in Order of the Phoenix got old really fast. In terms of Harry becoming a teenager and learning to deal with those sort of relationships, she functioned well, but I just hated the whiny teenage girl stereotype that came into play. Oh look, she's irrationally jealous! She doesn't understand his friendship with other girls! She won't stop crying! Just...blah. SOME of us were normal in high school, thanks.

8. What is your least favorite part of the Harry Potter series?
Usually the first chapter or two of each book (except for Sorcerer's Stone). I hate exposition in sequels - "Harry Potter was a wizard who attended the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry..." - because I don't think it's too much to ask for someone to read the books in order, and it's really boring if you already know what's going on. And the function of "Harry's aunt and uncle are horrible to him" is well established in the first book or two, so showing him at the Dursley's every summer becomes tedious. On rereads I usually skip right to the point at which Harry returns to school.

9. What is your favorite spell?
I feel a bit odd saying this, but when I consider it I would have to say Sectumsempra. I think it shows the vast limits of what magic can do and the horrors of unbridled, unregulated magic. Consider the sort of fun but useless things they learn in class - really, what is the point of a Tickling Charm? - and the sort of things that are heavily controlled by the government like the Unforgivables. The idea that someone could simply develop a spell so horrible and at the same time useful to suit their own needs is quite amazing. And the fact that Harry could use it casually, not even knowing the horror he could inflict, shows the raw potential of magic; how it can be so powerful and out of control, and it's morbidly fascinating to me.

10. What traits and characteristics do you think define the true qualities of each of the four houses?
This is tough for me, because we all know what the books say about the houses, whereas I truly believe that it has far more to do with personal choice than outstanding trait when you consider people's personalities versus their houses. Take Hermione, for example, a true Ravenclaw (there's really no denying that she's smarter than she is brave) - yet she says on the train in SS that she's hoping for Gryffindor. Ron, too, is more Hufflepuff than Gryffindor (more loyal than brave) but it's highly likely that he would have wanted to follow his brothers into Gryffindor. You've got Percy, very ambitiously Slytherin underneath it all; Cedric, arguably more Gryffindor than Hufflepuff, Neville, more Hufflepuff than Gryffindor. So I would argue that a person's true qualities don't matter so much as the qualities they personally value. Perhaps I'm overthinking it.

::grins, steps off soapbox::

That said:
Gryffindors - Courage and a strong moral compass. These are the knights in shining armor and the activists, the ones who do what they believe in no matter what it costs them. Their nerve gets them into trouble sometimes, however - they leap blindly into the fray when keeping a cool head might be a better plan.

Ravenclaws - Smart and philosophical, thinkers more than doers. I tend to think of them as hardworking and ambitious even though those are pegged for other houses. I think they've been underrepresented in the series and I'd like to see more of them.

Slytherin - Ambitious, cunning, manipulative and able to see the big picture. Not inherently evil traits, but rather traits than are often heavily valued by the evil, which I believe accounts for the skewed "Slytherin is all bad wizards" view. Also very much a legacy house (come on, Crabbe and Goyle? Ambitious?).

Hufflepuff - Interesting case, given that the first few books tout them as loyal and hardworking, very people-of-the-earth types. But then in book five they get called "the rest," as in, "anyone who's left over from the other three houses." I was actually a bit impressed with that admission given the bum rap Hufflepuffs sometimes get, because I think it acknowledges that people who aren't overtly smart, cunning, or brave are just as worthy. Where there's someone powerful rushing into the fray, I think of a level-headed Hufflepuff standing behind them.

11. Describe the house qualities that you feel accurately reflect you. Please try to include traits from each of the four houses.
Gryffindor - I strongly believe in doing the right thing and I'm also not afraid to break a few rules if I think it's worth it. I was known to protest a few school rules that I thought were a bit crap :)

Ravenclaw - The one thing I've been known for all my life is intelligence. I was very much a brainy nerd in school, much more likely to have my nose stuck in a book than to be talking to anyone. I'm definitely the philosopher; I like debate and deep conversations.

Hufflepuff - I'm very loyal; once we're friends, I will fight to the death for you. I'm also pretty sensitive and a good listener, which I think is fairly Hufflepuffy - they're good shoulders to lean on.

Slytherin - I have high ambitions for my life and I've been told more than once that I can be very manipulative to get my way. I don't think I'm selfish, exactly, but I've been known to focus on the bottom line of putting my needs first.

12. Given the choice, which house would you NOT want to be in?
You know, for every house that I think I could fit in, I can think of a reason why I wouldn't as well - I'm loyal but not terribly hardworking, moral but probably not brave, etc. And I'd rather be a part of the house you think I would fit in best than not be in at all.

13. What is your favorite Harry Potter quote and why? (You must choose just one quote.)
"'I feel I owe you another explanation, Harry,' said Dumbledore hestiantly. 'You may, perhaps, have wondered why I never chose you as a prefect? I must confess...that I rather had enough responsibility to be going on with.'
Harry looked up at him and saw a tear trickling down Dumbledore's face into his long silver beard." (OotP, p. 844)

Another sentimental favorite - I could barely type it without tearing up - but there are a lot of things happening in a small space too. I love the revelation that Dumbledore is human and vulnerable compared to his omnipresence in previous books, and that he understands the stakes. There's a sense of loss; Harry can never be the happy normal kid he might have been, and he's going to have give up things he wants (like being prefect) for the greater good. Dumbledore's tear could signify a million things in my mind: Harry's losses, his own mistakes, perhaps doubt that Harry will survive the prophecy. It's quite the packed sentence.

14. Describe exactly what you would see in the Mirror of Erised.
Money. A lot of money. Which I don't mean quite like it sounds; I'm not particularly interested in being wealthy as a life goal. But right now I'm hypersensitive about the massive school loans I have out and how I'm going to be able to support myself with a useless degree (kids, don't become a writer!), so more than anything wish I had enough money to pay off the loans and and have some to live on, at least for a little while, while I write and get my life straightened out. I'm lucky enough that I already have a lot of the things that one wants out of life - a good family, good friends, and a great boyfriend I want to build a family with - so it would be amazing to be able to pursue my career without worrying about where the next paycheck is coming from.

15. What do you wish to accomplish in life?
I want to be a respected writer. Like I said, it's not really about money or fame (those would be nice, of course, but getting into writing for money is laughable), but I would love to be like our own Jo and create something that resonates with all levels of people, that they could read and obsess over and cherish. I'd like to have fans, because I want to know that I'm reaching people with my words. And I'd be doing the thing that I love most in the world, with the added benefit of working on my own schedule so I'd have time for a family and kids, something else that's really important to me.

16. What is your favorite book besides Harry Potter?
So many things come to mind right now, but I would have to say the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series. The funny thing is that I'm not really a big fantasy/sci-fi fan, but my two favorite series happen to be fantasy and sci-fi. I love that Rowling and Adams can both take a slightly cliched concept and run with it, taking it amazing, original new places and giving their work a much broader appeal than the stereotypical Dungeons and Dragons crowd. It's something I would love to accomplish in my own work.

17. What makes a person respectable?
I think respectability comes from making the most of yourself, whatever that is. Not everyone is going to be President or an Oscar winner or a CEO, but everyone has the capability to push themselves and to be productive members of society. I have a hard time respecting people who sit back and let life happen to them instead of making life happen.

18. If you could meet any single person, dead or alive, who would you choose and why?
This is definitely the hardest question! Looking up at my shelf, though, I would say Douglas Adams. I'd love to pick his brain about how he thought of the twisted and hilarious things he did; things that wouldn't even occur to normal people but make sense to them anyway. One of the hardest things about writing, I think, is finding a theme that has a universal appeal and resonance but is still completely original, and I want to know how he did it. Beyond that, just reading his writings and biographies makes him seem like he would have been a really cool guy to have a few drinks and discuss Apple computers with.

19. Do you consider yourself to be more of a thinker or a feeler? Give examples from your daily life that support your answer.
Not to be wishy-washy, but I would definitely say both. With other people I'm extremely analytical - I'm a problem solver, I like to think through things, I can argue fifteen sides of any opinion, and I'm known for giving bull-headed and non-emotional advice (things like, "Break up with the jerk, he hasn't called you"). When it comes to myself, however, I'm unlikely to follow my own advice - I'll make the pro-and-con lists and debate myself to death and then do what my gut tells me anyway ("Maybe I'll give him one more chance...").

20. What do you think are your top 5 positive characteristics?
-Intelligence: Like I said, I was a very bookish, nerdy kid; the straight A lover of standardized testing. I've sort of grown into it now on a level that I can be comfortable with my peers - college is good and intimidating like that, you're surrounded by people smarter than you - but I still prefer books and intelligent conversation to parties and sports.

-Organization: I am obsessively neat, the kind of person who makes lists for everything, dusts my room every other day and carries an appointment book like a bible. It can be annoying at times, but I also never lose or forget things.

-Sense of humor: I pride myself on being able to see the funny side of everything and being able to make others laugh, and I'm not afraid to act silly or dorky to get a chuckle. I've been known to be a little politically incorrect and a lot crude, but I have a lot of fun with everything I do.

-Independence: I'm not afraid to be alone or to do something a little different than everyone else. I got a lot of comments by refusing to join a sorority (on a campus with the largest Greek community in the nation), but I didn't want to label myself or feel bound to any one group of friends. It was harder that way, but I now have friends from all walks of life and I'm comfortable in almost any crowd because I decided to be me and not just struggle to fit in.

-Open-mindedness: I'm extremely liberal, as anyone who knows me can attest, and I'm pretty laid-back when it comes to other people. I'm of the opinion that people can and should do whatever they want with their lives, even if others think it's wrong, because it's nobody's business but yours what you get up to. Because of that I've been told that I'm a safe, comforting person to tell things to, because I'll never judge you. (Heck, I have three friends who told me I was the first person they ever came out to!)

21. What do you think are your top 5 negative characteristics?
-Lack of self-control: I tend to be a person who does what feels good without a lot of restraint - I order the unhealthiest thing on the menu, I spend money I don't have on things I can't afford, I skip class because I'm too busy playing on the internet. It's gotten me into trouble in the past, and I keep swearing that I'll get things together and practice a little willpower, but next thing you know I'm having four drinks when I promised myself one.

-Lack of follow-through: I wouldn't call myself lazy, exactly, but I do let myself become paralyzed by fear. I know I've missed a lot of opportunities because I let myself think I can't handle them or that I don't deserve them. For example, even though my dream was to go to Harvard and I bet I could have gotten in, I let the fear of being rejected (and of going so far away if I did get in) totally take over and I refused to apply. A couple years ago I even quit a really awesome job because I was convinced I wouldn't be able to handle it and that I'd get fired.

-Cynicism/pessimism: I tend to assume the worst and let bad things get the better of me. For example, a few days ago I couldn't reach my boyfriend for several hours and completely panicked, and even though my rational side said he probably couldn't find his phone (which is exactly what I would have said to a friend in the same situation, and is exactly what happened) I convinced myself he was dead somewhere. Or if a friend gets busy and doesn't call for a few days, I assume she's mad at me even though there's no reason for her to be.

-Resistance to change: This has become a bit of a joke among my family, actually, that I'm a creature of habit and don't adjust well to major changes. It took me about a year and a half to really settle into college, and things like traveling, moving or starting new jobs or classes tend to incite a bit of panic. I've been known to stay too long in relationships with people I don't want to be with, just because a breakup is such a disruption to my routine.

-Non-confrontational: Not always bad, as I'm also a peacemaker, but sometimes I don't stand up for myself when I should. I'm more likely to concede a point than risk someone getting mad at me. For example, on a recent group project one of the members slacked off and didn't show up for meetings, but when the professor asked how the work was divided (we were supposed to tell her if someone wasn't doing their fair share) I just bit my tongue and said the girl had been helping, even though I thought it was unfair that she wasn't.

22.Who sponsored your application?
No one - I'm a GDI all the way :)

term 07; sorting application

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