And that's the [Hor]crux of my argument...

Apr 18, 2012 16:47

01. Name: Sara

02. How did you find out about Hogwarts Elite? I stumbled across it whilst inappropriately browsing Fandom Secrets. ;D


03. What do you wish to accomplish in life?
What do I want to accomplish in life? Really and truly? I want to grow old and wrinkly and hopefully a little bit wiser with my husband. And I want to raise a family who'll think of me even half as fondly as I think of my wonderful mother, and who'll be my best friends like my mother is mine. I think if I can look back at the end of my life and that's even halfway true, I'll consider my life very well lived.

04. Describe exactly what you would see in the Mirror of Erised. (This is not the same question as #03.)
I suppose this is the real test of truth, isn't it? Because while I would very much like to say something noble, or loveable, or even likeable, I'm afraid that my very deepest desire is probably to see myself happy, and thin, and independently wealthy on some secluded island with my husband, knowing that what that really means is that I'd like not to have to work, or watch my weight, or have any real responsibilities, and I can't help but feel that that's not very noble or loveable or likeable at all.

05. What makes a person deserving of your respect?
Well after that last answer, I'd better come up with something good, hadn't I? I can't help but really feel though, that people shouldn't need to prove themselves deserving of respect. I think the people who don't deserve it make it abundantly clear that they don't, and that otherwise, people should be afforded respect. Because there's nothing quite so infuriating as being flippantly disrespected -- being disregarded, and without knowing a person or their circumstances, I would be so ridiculously angry with myself for doing that to them.

But I should likely still answer the question. I respect people strong enough to be themselves, whether it's comfortable or not, and especially when it's not. Because I don't think I've ever been entirely comfortable in my own skin, so I respect people who understand who they are and who stick to that, even when it would be easier to just be someone else for a little while.

06. What is your biggest pet peeve?
People being flagrantly dismissive. Please don't misunderstand; I don't always need people to agree with me, but I expect people to hear me out -- to give me a chance to express myself. When I get immediately shut down, or all I get in response to an idea is "okay then" as if I was silly even to thought of it or brought it up, it infuriates me.

07. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I would most definitely make myself creatively fearless. I remember when I was younger, I would write reams of really terrible fanfiction and I would do really mediocre art, but it made me so, so happy. I'm working on shutting up my overly abusive inner editor and critic, but I still freeze up more often than I'd like when I start a new creative project, even when I assure myself it's just for me, and I can only chaulk it up to a deep feeling of fear that it won't be good enough and that I'll have wasted the time I spent on it. In the end, I don't really mind whether I'm particularly good or bad, I just want to be creatively free to write and draw and do whatever.

08. If you could do any one thing and suffer no consequences, what would it be?
This is probably utterly strange, but I like to think of this like the sorting hat, which would know you, even those icky bits of yourself, so I'm afraid I have to reveal another icky bit of myself.

If I'm being honest, really really awfully honest, I think I would get into my husband's computer and read his emails. And I know it's silly, because I know I wouldn't find anything horrible, but I'm so impossibly self-conscious, that if there were no consequences, I know that's what I'd do. I'd look at what he said about me when he didn't think I could read it.

And that's a really, truly icky thing about myself, but there it is.

09. What do you think are your top five positive characteristics?
01. Deeply emotional. This you'll find under both positive and negative, because it's both a deeply positive and deeply negative aspect of me. I feel things very deeply, which means that I get ridiculously excited about things, and I take silly amounts of joy in little things, and I get very passionate about things that I'm interested in. So while it also means I feel crummy things deeply too, I think the positive outweighs the negative and it stays at the top of this list.

02. Empathetic. I think because I'm so emotional, I also try to be aware of other people's feelings. I want to be the sort of person who makes other people happy, so I try to always be considerate of other people and their needs. As a result, I'm also fiercly protective of the people I love; their happiness is really, truly important to me, so I'll do what I can to protect it whenever I can.

03. A love of learning. I'm actually just taking a break from my second degree right now, and I work at an eLearning company writing course content because I just really love learning new things. I'll admit, I'm not always the best at sticking with these new things (oops), but I love picking up new skills like knitting or cooking or cross-stitch, and devouring all the books I can find about subject matter like fairy tales and unicorns and other silly things. Learning is one thing that has always made me happy.

04. A love of whimsy. Speaking of silly things, I am a very big fan of silly things. I love the colour pink, and unicorns, and sparkles, and fairies, and just finding joy in little things. I will always, always be a kid at heart, I will never give up my stuffed animals, or my My Little Ponies, or my Skylanders, or apologise for liking things that I know are probably a bit childish. And I will never, never stop squeeing like a little girl when I'm happy.

05. A good sense of humour. Just like I love silly things, I love a good joke, and I like to think that I might even tell one or two occasionally. I think, more than anything, that I have a good outlook on the world as a result of my sense of humour; I know when to take things seriously, and when not to, and I think I have a good grasp on what is really, truly important in my life.

10. What do you think are your top five negative characteristics?
01. Low self-esteem. I hope that eventually I'll feel like I deserve all the wonderful things in my life, but right now I can't quite account for it all. I wish this wasn't quite so hard to put into words; I don't think I'm terrible, but I can't really commit to liking myself. I can't help but thing I should just be... better.

02. A lack of motivation. This I find really, tremendously embarrassing, but I can't avoid the fact that I'm a little lazy. I would rather sit and read or play a video game than work, or clean my house, or cook. I would rather just sit and relax, because it's easier. Even when it comes to things I love, like writing or drawing, I end up avoiding them because it's easier. Sigh.

03. An emotional whirlwind. I mentioned this would be coming up again; I feel the crummy things just as deeply as the good things, and as a result, I can be a bit of a basket-case sometimes. This means that not only do I cry during pretty much any movie, but also after salary-reviews have not gone as promised, after co-workers frustrate me with their general crumminess, and after I have said something that hurts someone. Yes, I cry a lot.

04. Utter silliness. Sometimes, I am too weird even for my husband. Sometimes, I am too silly for my own good. I won’t give examples because it would just sound like me trying to be “wacky” and “oh so hilarious” and really, it’s not - I get that, it’s just weird. And I’m not doing it to be either wacky or oh so hilarious, I’m just a little offbeat sometimes, and sometimes I let it get a little out of hand and it can be uncomfortable. That’s right kids, weirdness is not always a good thing, no matter what your mom tries to tell you.

05. Happily introverted. I put this as a negative because it means that I have a very small circle of friends and that I’m not always necessarily looking to expand it. Which isn’t to say I’m not friendly, but because I am a deeply emotional person, I don’t necessarily let everyone into that, and as a result, I don’t have a lot of friends. I would rather spend time reading by myself, or with my husband, and that tends to mean that I’m a little closed off from new people. I suppose I’m cheating a bit, since it does say happily introverted, but really, I wish I were better at making that effort, and making more friends… and at the same time, I’m happy just being a little lonely sometimes.


11. Who is your favorite character in the Harry Potter series?
Unequivocally Luna. Because she is so offbeat, and offkilter, and so utterly herself, and she is okay with that. She gets that she’s a little weird, and maybe sometimes she wishes she weren’t quite so odd, but really, she’s good with who she is, she’s at peace with herself.

And because she is such a wonderful, loving, fierce friend. There are two things in the Potter books that will always make me cry (though for very different reasons, obviously): the gum wrappers from Neville’s mum, and the mural on Luna’s bedroom ceiling. Luna’s heart is just so full to bursting with her friends, and whether they’re thinking of her or not, she’s thinking of them. And I love her for that.

12. Who is your least favorite character in the Harry Potter series?
I’m going to give a really, ridiculously unpopular answer here, but I hope you’ll give me a moment to explain: my least favourite character is Draco. This is where I duck people throwing leather pants at me, right?

But it’s entirely because of wasted potential. I find it infuriating that he is so utterly crushed by everything that happens. Snape kills Dumbledore to save him, and then Draco does… nothing. He never redeems himself. He never grows, or changes, or gets worse or gets better, he just sort of fades away. And I find that so, so frustrating, and as a result, I find reading about him just overwhelmingly disappointing, because everything he does is ultimately for nothing.

13. What was your favorite plot or character revelation in the Harry Potter series?
It was always be my first revelation, when I was reading the first book oh so so many years ago, and I realized that Snape wasn’t the villain, it was Quirrell. That’s when I realized that this wasn’t just another kid’s book - she made the point that just because someone is a jerk, it doesn’t mean they’re evil. People can be horrible people to be around, but ultimately they’re still good people. And I really loved that. At that moment, I just couldn’t wait to pick up the next book, because I knew that J.K. Rowling wasn’t patronizing her readers, and that this was going to be something special.

14. Describe the canon qualities for each house that accurately reflect you.
• Gryffindor: I think the most Gryffindor-y thing about me is that I can be brave for other people. I may be a bit of a coward when it comes to myself, but I will fight for the people I love even if it’s a bit terrifying. I think the people I love make me brave, really, which is something you see in the trio a lot. :3

• Slytherin: I’ve heard it said that Slytherins are “achievement-oriented” and this most certainly fits me. I’m a bit of a praise-hound, and I do try to collect achievements and flaunt them a bit so that I get that praise. That’s a bit of why I’m going for my second degree, because who doesn’t want a few extra letters at the end of their name? ;3

• Ravenclaw: I will always, always love learning. Whether what I learn is of any use to me will often be up for debate, but the process of learning new things will always be a joy.

• Hufflepuff: I hope, I hope, I hope I am loyal. The people I love are more important to me than anything, so I truly truly hope that they would consider me loyal, and I do try to be a true friend to people I love.

15. Describe the canon qualities for each house that do not accurately reflect you.
• Gryffindor: I don’t think I have a daring bone in my body. Not when it comes to anything dangerous, or scary anyway. I chicken out of roller coasters, and when I saw The Ring I slept with the lights on for a week… Daring, I am not.

• Slytherin: I’m not terribly ambitious. I like my little achievements, but they’re the achievements that matter to me, not the ones that matter to other people. I don’t particularly want to move up in my job, I have the motivation issues already mentioned, so… there’s me, not too terrible ambitious.

• Ravenclaw: I like to think I’m intelligent, and I do enjoy learning, but I’m definitely not very wise. I’m much too silly and frivolous to be wise, sadly.

• Hufflepuff: I really do wish I could call myself hard-working... but it's 4:30 in the afternoon, and I'm submitting an application to a Harry Potter community... so it wouldn't be very honest, now would it? XD


16. Age: Urk, 28… am I too old?
17. Optional: Link us to where you have promoted this community in your personal journal to earn your future house five points. To be honest, I don’t use my journal much. Maybe I will more now. :3

term 21; sorting application

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