1. Your name: Jessica
2. Your age: 22
3. What makes you get up in the morning? A new day to write more on my stories, to update and search things online, and to catch up with my friends, and the need to go to the toilet as well ;)
4. Go to this website and copy your result into your application.
Big Five Test Results Extroversion (66%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
Accommodation (56%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly kind natured, trusting, and helpful at the expense of your own individual development (martyr complex).
Orderliness (30%) low which suggests you are overly flexible, random, scattered, and fun seeking at the expense too often of structure, reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.
Emotional Stability (28%) low which suggests you are very worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.
Inquisitiveness (54%) medium which suggests you are moderately intellectual, curious, and imaginative.
Take Free Big Five Personality Testpersonality tests by similarminds.com 5. What do you think of either Voldemort or Snape as a character? Voldemort: I like Voldemort as the bad guy of the story, he's the most evil wizard ever, everyone fears him, he's arrogant and sadistic, but personally I would like to sit around the table with him and find everything out about him there is to know. In a way he has to be very insecure and ashamed about his life and parents, he hates his father and doesn't think so highly about his mother. He feels they're beneath him and that he is way better than them to be related to them. He only gives about power and glory, he's not really happy or anything even when he receives his goal, not for long anyway, because there will always be more to gain. He's a lonely, bitter, selfish man, who will die alone with nothing, it makes me almost feel sorry for him. He's a very complexed person and I'm sure there's way more to the 'man' than we know now.
...I would love to discuss Snape but I had to pick one right? :(
6. What are your other passions/ fandoms excluding Harry Potter? Other than music and writting? I like Star Wars, anything to do with fantasy and magic (that's both movies and books!) Star Wars especially around Anakin Skywalker, his life and downfall and the romance between it :)Also shows like Buffy,Angel and Charmed!! but I like many things so it's hard to pick
7. Who do you relate to most within the Harry Potter series?: hard one...I think Ron, he comes from a big poor family..now my family isn't that big and we weren't really poor, but I remember we didn't always have money to buy expensive clothes while other could, people looked down at my family as well (meaning my mom, her relationship me and my sister, not the rest), Ron is a good guy but is a little dorky, things don't always turn out the way he wants, he's not a supertalent with magic, at first sight he doesn't really catch your eye in blinking out in talent, but there's more to Ron than it seems, he's a loyal friend, lots of humor, he's got a bad temper as well and if he doesn't let himself be led by shame or insecureness he will stand up against the crowd in his own way.
8. What is your favourite novel (ex. Harry Potter)? I love the Books of Shannara Terry Brooks is an amazing writter and although it's sometimes hard to get through some parts once you do it's so worth it. It's kind of between HP and Lord of the Rings in, I also love Shanna I've been reading that one since I was 14 and read it at least 5 times fully out :D
9. Would you run for prefect or Head Boy/ Girl if you were at Hogwarts? If I'd be fit to do the job yes, I judge fairly and if I know my tasks I'll do them. I'm not perfect but if I'd be picked out as one I'd make sure to do it well and be fair.
10. Who is your least favorite character - why? hmm Pansy or Ginny, okay I cannot find anything good in Pansy so I'll pick her ;) She anoys me, she likes Malfoy, clearly, but I feel she is being led by the chance for more money, power and fame more than love. She doesn't come over smart and she doesn't seem to be able to take care of herself. She's not a standing character as I'd call it, meaning she's not really someone who catches your eye or a person with true talents. She's just there as Malfoys girlfriend or potential girlfriend, and that's kind of sad because she doesn't seem to have a real status of her own.
11. What do you consider the key qualities of the four Hogwarts houses? (Describe why you think this and elaborate!) Ravenclaw: intelligence/clear view on things, I think they are very smart and very focussed on getting the job done well, I think they might take a little time to get closer to other people, which isn't bad or anything but finding the person out before letting them in.
Gryffindor: Courage and loyalty, they do what is right and aren't afraid to stand up for their believes, they'll fight to the bitter end and will always help those in need. They do have the tendency to stand up out of crows for their love of fun and breaking the rules, but they never mean real harm.
Hufflepuff: caring/loving and on the background, I think Hufflepuffs don't mind being on the background, they do their own thing with their loved ones and are content with their lives, they don't need to be the centre of attention, because they know what they're worth and what they're good at. I also believe this House is the least judgemental and the most forgiving of all the Houses.
Slytherin: Talented and outgoing as well as the need to know more than what they know now. I'd definitely think that Slytherins would be great inventors because they will try to find new ways to get what they want and give it all their attention there for creating new things (such as potions or spells) they are smart even tho a little mean and powerseeking, they aren't afraid to let themselves be known and though not accepted by everyone they don't let themselves be beat down and let others known they deserve a place on this earth just as much (or maybe even more) than others.
12. Where and how would you like to see yourself (job, country) in a few years time? I want to be a professional writter (published and all) I would also like to do something with animals, maybe train dogs or something like that. I probably still live in Holland, but I wouldn't mind travelling around to some places. Explore myself more to understanding and accepting.
13. If you were a teacher at Hogwarts, which subject would you teach and why? (Extra thumbs up for original submissions - feel free to invent your own magical subject!) Hmm either Defense Against the Dark Arts or Magical Creatures. I love to find information about both these subject and actually spend time reading and searching online for different facts and stories that these subjects involve. for example I started making a Books of Shadows a year ago (with all the stories I'm working on it gies slow to write it down though) with demons, magical creatures and stories. I enjoy working on finding this kind of stuff out!
14. Would you be a Mudblood, Halfblood or Pureblood, based on your own personality? Give original reasons for this calculation excluding specific House Traits. PureBlood, most of the PureBloods are very known and respected (most times haha) in the Wizard World, like my family is (from my dads side anyway) they recognize me in shops and all, even when I've never seen them. Not that I have anything against Half Bloods or Mudbloods, just it feels right to me for some weird reason ;) I'd like to mingle with any kind of 'races' however my parents hooked up together the way they are, you can't change that :D
15. What improvements would you follow through if you were Minister of Magic? [info]straycatstruts I would suggest with the 'not using magic underages' that they really are able to prove that an underages wizard used magic, a good example for this is in the second HP book where Dobby uses magic and Harry gets the blame. They should also have stricter rules for their own people. Umbridge tried to kill Harry and totally got away with it, she was an adult witch trying to murder an innocent child, and no one did anything? I find that quite disturbing!
I should definitely suggest that they mingle more with muggles, so there's not such a big gap between the two worlds, because we have a saying (don't know if you use the same) 'what a farmer doesn't know, he doesn't eat' and that's what it is, they don't know muggles, they think they're weird and see them more as things than human, if they'd just connect more of the muggle world into the wizard world, a lot of thing could be cleared up.
16. What do you consider your most prominent qualities, either good or bad and why? I don't take myself too serious, but I can be serious if the time's right! I love to have fun and joke around, I can be dead-honest but I also show a lot of compassion. and I don't pretent to be something I'm not. I'm curious but I can keep your private secrets for myself. i don't trust people easily or really open up, but once you're in my heart you'll stay there and I will always be there for you. i can have a bad temper though, but you'll have to really cross my lines before I explode. And I try to do the right thing
17. If you could change something of the Harry Potter series, what would you want to change? besides Dumbledore dying and harry not getting with Draco? (sorry people, slash lover here, but hey i'm cool with no one else thinking the same haha)I think how JK put down Sirius at the end. We know he's had it hard in Azkaban, but she put him down as an obsessive worn out guy. He wants Harry to be more like James, wanting time to change back and having nothing else in his life but to relive 'the days', I find it sad that this was all we got to 'see' and then she killed him. Again I feel there could've been more to Sirius than she showed and I find it very sad that he's dead. He would've been a great substitute parent for Harry (and also one who isn't as stuck up as others would be! lol)
18. Do you feel you can and will contribute to this community in an original way? I think so, I'm all about talking and getting to know other people, I might even come up with some weird idea's to do around this place :P but we will have to see about that of course
19. How did you hear of this community? rosacrouch added a message somewhere :D
20. Now is your chance: choose a house you would prefer not to be sorted into. (Include rational arguments, though.) Hufflepuff...I'm sorry, not to offend anyone, but it's not me. My temper will not fit in as my bluntness neither, I'm not super goody, as always following the rules (school like i'm talking here) I'm very hyper and I do tend to get attention by acting crazy and making fun. but then it's not up to me to decide, so I'll await if i get excepted and sorted :)
That's it I think! Sorry if i do have a lot of spelling mistakes, I'm Dutch, I try my best really!
xx Jess