1. Your name: Tiffany
2. Your age: 20
3. What makes you get up in the morning?
I suppose that the majority of the time, the reason I get up in the morning is for something related to school, whether it is a class, studying, or something else. I don't have to wake up early as it is, and I'm not normally a morning person. My earliest class doesn't even begin until 10. Basically, the reason why I get up is so that I can be successful in school, and the success I gain from school will help me later on in life, like when I'm searching for a job. Even though I enjoy sleeping in, it bothers me to sleep extremely late. Normally if I wake up, look at my alarm clock and see that it's after 9, I'll force myself to get up, even if I'm still tired. I do this because I feel like I'm wasting my time sleeping when I could be doing something productive.
4. Go to this website and copy your result into your application.
Big Five Test Results Extroversion (10%) very low which suggests you are extremely reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and private.
Accommodation (30%) low which suggests you are overly selfish, uncooperative, and difficult at the expense too often of the well being of others.
Orderliness (86%) very high which suggests you are overly organized, neat, structured and restrained at the expense too often of flexibility, variety, spontaneity, and fun.
Emotional Stability (30%) low which suggests you are very worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.
Inquisitiveness (60%) moderately high which suggests you are intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical.
Take Free Big Five Personality Testpersonality tests by similarminds.com 5. What do you think of either Voldemort or Snape as a character?
Snape is my favorite character by far, so I'm going to discuss him first. I think Snape is a wonderful character. He is intelligent and witty, but snarky and a complete bastard at the same time. He has continuously confused us as to where his loyalties truly lie, so he is perhaps the most mysterious character in the story. There's so much about Snape we don't know that would greatly help in deciphering the facts on why Dumbledore has trusted him, and that's just the beginning of the information I would like to get my hands on. I really do believe that Snape has a heart and isn't completely horrible, even though he doesn't show it. Of course, the book is viewed through Harry's eyes, who was told by Lupin that he was prejudice against Snape because of his father, so we may never truly know the true person Snape is.
I believe Voldemort to be a horrible character but one the story needs. There had to be a villain in the story, so I guess JKR decided to make this particular villain exceptionally evil. Voldemort has no feelings for others. He feels no sympathy or remorse for those he has harmed. I do find him very odd, considering he's a Half-Blood but considers Pure-bloods to be the best of wizards. In this way, he's a hypocrite. At the same time, he's brilliant. He was able to convince several Pure-bloods to join him in his quest, and they even refer to him as their 'master'. That's an astonishing accomplishment for a Half-Blood. He also had the notion to place his own mark as a tattoo on his followers as a means of contacting them, something even Hermione copies (and we know how brilliant she is).
Both of these characters are needed to make the story interesting. If not, Harry would just be some normal wizard whose mother never died to save him, and we wouldn't have any of these interesting Potions scenes.
6. What are your other passions/ fandoms excluding Harry Potter?
My other big fandom is Star Wars, though I honestly didn't get completely into it until I saw Revenge of the Sith in May. I had never seen the Original Trilogy up until that point either. After seeing Revenge of the Sith, I knew I had to see the Original Trilogy. I bought the movies and watched them all in one night, and I've been a die-hard fan ever since. I think the story is absolutely wonderful, though I'd probably cut out Jar Jar if I had been George Lucas.
Another fandom I enjoy is Lord of the Rings. I was attracted to the fandom because there are so many different types of characters, from Hobbits to Elves. The manner in which these beings interacted was interesting itself, and the fact that they joined together to defeat evil is a great message to send to people in our world today. I also loved Gandalf, a wizard, and I think his character helped in my attraction towards the Harry Potter fandom.
Something that both of these fandoms did was that they forced my emotions to react. Both fandoms had movies that caused me to cry (and I barely cry). Because of this, the fandoms made me feel like I was involved in some way with the characters, another reason why I love both of these fandoms.
7. Who do you relate to most within the Harry Potter series?
I know a lot of people will dislike me for saying this, but I most relate to Percy Weasley. Percy is intelligent, ambitious, and a stickler for rules. Of course, he has other qualities, but these are the particular qualities that stand out. I relate to Percy because I believe we have several of the same characteristics in common. I believe that I am intelligent because I've always excelled in school and I love learning itself. Like Percy, I am ambitious in that I will do anything to achieve my goals in life. I have always been a stickler for rules in the school setting. It has always bothered me when people have broken the rules or cheated on tests, and weren't caught. Even outside the school setting, it bothers me when people break normal rules (i.e. when under classmen park in our upperclassmen parking spots outside my dorm), even when they know they're not suppose to. I really feel sorry for Percy. Everyone thinks he's a 'git' at school just because he wants to study and wants for others to follow the rules, but he is so much more than that. He is passionate about what he does (as am I). As we know, he does leave his family, but I think this is just his ambitious nature. Plus, his family basically told him that the only reason he was promoted is so that the Ministry can use him to spy on the family. I can completely understand his anger because if my family ever said something like that, I would probably go ballistic. I would feel like everything I had done to reach my goal had been a waste, and I'm sure that's how Percy felt when his family said that.
8. What is your favourite novel (ex. Harry Potter)?
I don't have very much time to read books outside of school, but I guess my favorite book outside of the Harry Potter books is The Scarlet Letter. I read the book in high school and fell in love with it. It's filled with motifs and themes that make the book enjoyable, enough so that one is able to discuss the book without boredom. It also shows us how much we have grown in regards to prejudice, and how women nowadays can be grateful for the freedoms given throughout time.
9. Would you run for prefect or Head Boy/ Girl if you were at Hogwarts?
I would most definitely run for prefect or Head Girl if I was at Hogwarts. I would love the position, mostly because the teachers would probably take a liking to me. Like I said earlier, I hate rule breaking, and would love to take some points away from people. I'm fairly certain one would be able to put the position on a job application in the wizarding world, so that would also be a plus to running. I'd also assume that prefects and the Heads get special privileges, another incentive for the job.
10. Who is your least favorite character - why?
Normally I would say Umbridge, but because she was written to be hated, I'm going to say Hagrid. I find Hagrid to be stupid and annoying. It's difficult to just read his dialect, so I can't imagine actually being in his class and having to hear him speak. I really don't understand how any of his students learn anything. Another thing I dislike about him is that he has put Harry, Ron and Hermione at serious risk, both for their lives and the possibility of being expelled. He asked them to take a dragon to Ron's brother's friends, knowing full well it was past curfew and the fact that dragons are illegal. Hagrid just seemed to have disregarded this information. He also sends Harry and Ron into the woods where they are almost eaten by Acromantulas. Hagrid got himself expelled and there is no one to blame for this, not even Tom Riddle. Hagrid knew that Acromantulas are illegal but decided to keep Aragog anyway. This mistake results in his expulsion and nearly in the death of two students later on.
I know a lot of people will disagree with me on Hagrid because he is nice. Being nice does not immediately make someone a good character, in my opinion.
11. What do you consider the key qualities of the four Hogwarts houses? (Describe why you think this and elaborate!)
Gryffindor: The main quality associated with Gryffindors is bravery. They are also chivalrous, friendly, passionate, proud and stubborn. Gryffindors normally act on instinct. They don't always consider the consequences before they make decisions, though they do try to do the right thing. Gryffindors can also be very mischievous, and often take rules for granted. They are usually very outgoing people and will voice their opinions, no matter the support behind them. When I think of Gryffindors, I immediately think of it as being the popular house. Gryffindors tend to get along with Hufflepuffs more so than the other houses.
Hufflepuff: Hufflepuffs are often thought of as the worst house (Hagrid refers to them as 'duffers'). I think people believe this because Helga Hufflepuff "took the rest". I actually find Hufflepuffs to have some of the best qualities. They're kind, friendly and patient, as well as hard working and loyal. If you're going to make a friend at Hogwarts, the best you could hope for would be a Hufflepuff. They would be the least likely to turn on a friend, and would always be helpful and patiently listen to a friend's problems. I feel very sorry for the house because Cedric could have brought them enough glory to last for years, but sadly was killed before that happened. Hufflepuffs tend to get along with Gryffindors more so than the other houses.
Ravenclaw: Ravenclaws are known to be the most intelligent. They are also witty, mature, clever and logical. I also imagine most Ravenclaw to be reserved, considering we barely hear from them (besides Cho, of course). Ravenclaws are thinkers, and spend most of their free time doing something to stimulate the mind. I picture most Ravenclaws as having a particular talent that he or she excels in, like a musical instrument or art of some type. I think there is a certain eliteness attached to the Ravenclaw house, which is why I believe the Slytherins see Ravenclaw as an equally important house. Ravenclaws always seem to be perfectionists, not only in school but in other aspects of their lives.
Slytherin: Slytherins are ambitious, cunning, and intelligent. They will do anything to achieve their ends, and normally have the assets to do so. Slytherins are very sneaky and use this to their advantage. I think it would be a terrible mistake to insult a Slytherin because, more than likely, they will get you back, and in a very good way. Slytherins also has the elite quality that Ravenclaw has, so they tend to be very proper. Even though Ravenclaw is composed of the most intelligent, I'd assume Slytherin as a whole receives the highest marks, considering the majority of their house has grown up in the wizarding world.
12. Where and how would you like to see yourself (job, country) in a few years time? I've lived in Alabama my entire life, so I would definitely like to move to a different state. I'm so tired of people assuming that all Alabamians are rednecks. I actually come from a very nice suburb, so when people meet me in person, they're very surprised that I'm from Alabama. They normally ask me where my accent went. As for a job, I plan on being an actuary. I'm currently majoring in Actuarial Mathematics and I will graduate in two years. After my graduation, I plan on getting a job as an actuary for either a bank, law firm, or insurance company.
13. If you were a teacher at Hogwarts, which subject would you teach and why? (Extra thumbs up for original submissions - feel free to invent your own magical subject!)
Like I said in the previous question, I'm majoring in a math and I love mathematics. Because of this, I would most definitely teach Arithmancy. It seems to be the most closely related subject to math in the wizarding world, so I know I would be able to teach it very well. I would also be very interested in the subject, so I'd constantly be coming up with new theories. In all honesty though, I would never want to teach because I detest children.
14. Would you be a Mudblood, Halfblood or Pureblood, based on your own personality? Give original reasons for this calculation excluding specific House Traits.
I believe I would be a Pureblood. Both of my parents are white and their ancestors can be traced back to Europe. As for my personality, I can definitely be a bit of a snob. I find that I often stereotype people, sometimes without realizing I have done so. I can also be materialistic, and often look up to those who have nice things or a lot of money. It's not something I'm proud of, but I think I just take after my parents.
15. What improvements would you follow through if you were Minister of Magic?
If I was the Minister of Magic, the first order of business would be to get rid of the Dementers. Someone sitting in prison for the remainder of his or her life is enough punishment in itself; there's no reason to suck the happy memories out of them. I'm against the death penalty, so I think the Dementer's Kiss is a terrible punishment as well. As Minister of Magic, I would give the wizarding world some freedom. There would be no need to keep tabs on where every magical person lived. I would also try to make peace with other magical beings such as Centaurs and Merpeople. There's no reason why everyone can't get along and they would come in handy in the war against Voldemort.
16. What do you consider your most prominent qualities, either good or bad and why? One of my most prominent qualities is that I'm very shy. I'm such a complete introvert, in fact, that people often get very bad first impressions of me. I even had a few people say to me after they had known me for a while,"gosh, when I first met you, I thought you were a total bitch." I used to take piano lessons and wasn't nearly as why when playing for people but after I stopped the lessons, I guess I shut myself up for some reason. I enjoy being by myself for the most part, and people view this as being a strange characteristic. I guess I'm afraid that I really am odd and that people won't like me. To be honest, I don't think this is such a great quality, but I really don't feel like changing it at the moment.
I've also been told that I'm intelligent. At least, I'm the smartest of the four children in my family. In high school, I felt like people used me for my intelligence. People would always want to work with me on projects and assignments, even though we weren't friends and I knew they wouldn't want to spend time with me outside of class. It got so bad that sometimes I would even pretend like I didn't understand something just so people would stop bothering me. Overall though, I feel this is definitely a good quality because it's going to help me in achieving my goal of becoming an actuary.
17. If you could change something of the Harry Potter series, what would you want to change?
I really wouldn't want to change anything because I feel that the story is good as it is. I guess for the sake of the question I'll say that I wish we could see more of Snape, and learn more about his history. I would love to know if he had any feelings for Lily, or his boggart or patronus. Knowing the answers to these questions would fill a lot of holes in the story. Dumbledore also said that Snape has been loved, so I would like to know who has loved him.
18. Do you feel you can and will contribute to this community in an original way? Even though I'm a student and school takes up a lot of my time, I can definitely contribute time to this community. I guess my original contribution will depend on which sub communities I join, if accepted.
19. How did you hear of this community?
I have seen quite a few adds by
rosacrouch. I have been busy and am now just getting around to filling out the application. I love sorting communities and this looks like a very interesting one, particularly because it offers so many other things besides sorting.
20. Now is your chance: choose a house you would prefer not to be sorted into. (Include rational arguments, though.)
There is no house that I truly dislike, but I don't really picture myself as a Hufflepuff. I am probably the least patient person on Earth. I can't stand to be put on hold, or to wait for things to happen. Honestly, I'm not the most loyal person either. I'll admit that I've screwed over more than one friend.