01. Name: Eleanor
02. How did you find out about Hogwarts Hallows? A bunch of people at
hogwartsishome03. Why do you want to join this community? Because I like Harry Potter.
3a. Are you a Hogwarts Elite member? No.
04. What do you wish to accomplish in life?
This is a vague question. I suppose career-wise, I would love to be writing for Doctor Who, but seeing as that's not very realistic, I want to be doing something I enjoy at least a little that can pay the bills reasonably well. If I were to be creating something (like writing, for example,) I'd like to know that it has found an audience who enjoys and understands it. If I am not lucky enough to be able to do that with my life, I think I'd enjoy doing something with computers, an area that often peaks my focus and has me working hard. (Plus, it's a skill that's relevant to the direction the world is going, which means I'll have a better chance at a decent job.) Outside of that, I think it's too early in my life to say anything about children, but I suppose as long as I'm happy with whoever I'm living with, I'm fine. Husband or no, I want lots of dogs (that I will train very well), and friends who are actually friends and listen to me when I am speaking. I'd also like to refine my Spanish, and continue learn more languages throughout my life.
05. You are crossing a river when Death appears before you and offers you any gift you want. You cannot refuse. What do you ask for? Why?
Season 2 of Firefly. That show was awesome. I don't know that I would ask for anything. I've read enough to know that this sort of thing generally doesn't end well. Death will, it seems, trick you wherever it can--and dealing with any sort of magical being, especially one so powerful, tends to have negative consequences, and surely I would know better than to accept anything. But, seeing as I cannot refuse, I might ask that Death relieve some of my anxiety. As much of it is related to death, I feel it's a relevant enough request. I am not foolish enough to attempt to run from what must happen, but I would be able to make much better use of the time I did have if I weren't worrying about it.
06. What makes a person deserving of your respect?
I respect anyone who is not an asshole. That means someone who is tolerant and reasonable--who can accept that other people are different, have different preferences and needs, and show that they are respectful through their words and actions. I can respect people for their abilities--talent, intelligence, etc.--but on a totally different level from people who earn it by actually doing something. Very intelligent or talented people awe me and fascinate me; people who use that talent or intellect, and who are decent and kind deserve a different type of respect because they have done something other than being born with talent. I tend to have a basic level of respect for people by default, but if they prove they are not worthy of that by being mean or particularly selfish, or if they prove they deserve more by going out of their way to help others, then that level may change.
07. What is your greatest fear?
Sarah Palin. Losing control of my thoughts. I don't plan on drinking or using any substance that might alter the way my brain works.
08. You and your friends are going camping when the Snatchers ambush you. What do you do?
I put on a red bandana, go on the news, and tell people to hide their kids and hide their wife 'cause they snatchin' errybody out here. Well, it depends. Are we Mudbloods or blood traitors? If none of us are, we say so and prove it. If some of us are, I wouldn't be so stupid as to go camping without intensive preparation (forged papers, prepared background stories and contacts, etc.,) if there were Snatchers about. Really, I wouldn't be camping when there were Snatchers about at all if I could help it. Why am I doing this? There's no way I would, unless we were already in some sort of emergency situation in which this needed to be done, so I'd definitely have prepared with a story. Of course we are all pure-blooded. How dare you accuse me of anything else? If this fails, I try to escape in any way possible. I would have prepared some method of emergency communication in the event that our backup plan does not work. Chances are, force will not be on our side in this situation, and we will have to think our way out of it. Perhaps we get help, or perhaps we free ourselves of their grip long enough to Apparate to a predetermined safe house.
09. What do you think are your top five positive characteristics?
01. I am logical. I make decisions based on which option has the proven advantage--I'm not one to act on instinct. I think my way through every situation, and I believe that medical decisions should be based on scientific study, and am thus extremely wary of alternative medicine or any supernatural claim. I believe in separating the scientific from the pseudoscientific. And that tends to be how I face my problems. Break them down and try to find the action with the most positive result. Or forget about acting and get back to whatever I was doing before someone tried to force me to make a decision.
02. I am fair. Because it doesn't make sense not to be. Everyone deserves the same opportunities. Everyone deserves to be respected. And I think I can be objective enough to see when things aren't as they should be. People should be allowed to do what they want as long as nobody is getting hurt. People should be expected to act their age and make sure everyone gets treated equally. It irks me to no end that we don't live in a world where this can be more true.
03. I am obsessive. I get very, very into certain topics. I learn as much as I can about them, I dive into them, and this has led to an impressive body of knowledge on a number of subjects.
04. I am nice. I've been at the receiving end of some not-nice people many times before. And it is not pleasant. People deserve to be treated with kindness. I can't stand knowing that might have hurt someone, and I try to learn from that so that it won't happen again. I like to be helpful, especially when there's no reason not to be. I believe that we owe each other common decency, and it's important to me that I show that to other people, and that the people I surround myself with show it too.
05. I pick up knowledge like a tape ball picks up lint. I love learning new things, and they stick easily. I can look over my notes in five minutes and get an A on a test. I can cite a study I read about two years ago. I tend to just absorb factoids through the air, and I love the things I know.
10. What do you think are your top five negative characteristics?
01. I am easily distracted. I have so much going on in my mind at any given time that it can be hard to focus on the task at hand, and I often get sidetracked doing things like, uh, this.
02. I don't act on instinct. I take everything rationally. This can be an advantage sometimes, but has made social interactions difficult, and has proved a bit of a problem when minor decisions become much more complicated than they maybe need to be. When I deal with people, I anticipate their emotional reactions as unavoidable products of my actions. This is something I have learned must be taken into account like any other factor. I hate offending people, so I try to avoid this, but I have no natural social intuition, so this is a problem that must be handled like any other.
03. I am obsessive and meticulous. I often have room for only one activity in my spare time, and thus the others tend to suffer. I also like to be very thorough about certain things, which can make me miss others entirely, and which is not something that has endeared me to other people. I tend to take things at a totally different level of seriousness than other people, which isn't the worst thing in the world in my mind, but can be very frustrating--both for me and for others--when I am trying to do the thing properly, and they get frustrated because I am focusing too much on the details that nobody cares about. On the other end, I can be joking about something and totally miss when people are serious about it, which I think can cause some upset, and which makes me perhaps a bit too happy about delivering bad news.
04. I lack confidence. I regret everything I do. I am always sure I will do the wrong thing. I often lack the confidence to stop caring about the opinion of someone I know hasn't earned my respect, and has no business making me feel the way they do.
05. I tend not to act on things. I'm quite content to just do my own thing, but I often wish I had the courage to stand up to people and tell them to fuck off when the occasion calls for it. I'm also quite the procrastinator. When other people ask me to help, I will gladly do so, but if I don't have someone else depending on me to finish something, I will always do it later.
11. Who is your favourite character in the Harry Potter series?
I admire Luna's ability to continue to do her own thing despite the constant challenges to her beliefs. She continues to think independently and to be herself, despite the constant harassment she experiences, and I think there's a lot to be said for her acceptance of other people. She continues to be a kind and pleasant person to everyone, despite the crap she's been put through, and I think there's a lot to respect about that.
Hermione was also a big influence on me growing up--She reminded me that I always had my books, and I'm grateful I had a role model who would choose intelligence over popularity any day.
12. Who is your least favourite character in the series?
Malfoy and his cronies. Hahaha, you're poor. My dad is rich and your dad is dead. Yes, that's very observant of you. How does that make one person better than another? It's not just unfair, it's silly, and I can't stand people who get satisfaction out of being an asshole, especially when they haven't said anything worth being satisfied about. That really drives me up the wall--people think they're so clever for no good reason. I've been on the receiving end of ridicule this intelligent before, and it's really not done wonders for me. People should just not treat each other like that, ever. Everyone deserves better.
13. Do ends justify the means? How much are you willing to sacrifice for the greater good?
This depends on the specific situation, I think. That's a pretty vague question. It really depends how great the sacrifice is. Though sometimes, the few can be a part of the many--the person you sacrifice to save others could very well have died anyway, and then the decision is clear. But specifics really matter here. You have to weigh the options, weigh the benefits of each and making very sure to understand the true costs of any action. In this way, hopefully a responsible decision can be made.
14. Each Hogwarts founder owned a prized possession. Imagine that these possessions were symbolic of these founders’ values. Explain how these objects might exemplify the traits of their owner’s house.
• Godric Gryffindor’s Sword: A sword is, of course, a classic symbol of traditional bravery. What can I say? You use it to fight dragons. It does, of course, bring to mind knighthood, which is appropriate, as chivalry is another Gryffindor trait--there's a very traditional sense of good versus evil, and of fighting honorably. More than the physical fight, though, there's also a very strong sense of persistence in a less, uh, stabby way. Gryffindors stand up for what they believe in, and will fight to the death for those ideals on any sort of scale. Gryffindors are the ones who won't just accept that something is wrong--they're fighters, and they are determined to do something to change it. A sword is a symbol of action, and Gryffindors must do something to change what they know should be changed.
• Salazar Slytherin’s Locket: As an item of jewelry, it immediately brings to mind someone who desires wealth, and the finer things in life. It also bears a prominent S, which immediately makes me think of an heirloom, and shows the importance of ancestry/blood to Slytherin and his House--Though the others also show signs of their founders, Slytherin's is the only one described so frequently, and in such detail. And it is a locket, which means that things can be concealed inside of it, just as Slytherins so famously conceal their true motivations.
• Rowena Ravenclaw’s Diadem: Ravenclaw is not only the House of those who possess knowledge--more importantly, it is the House of those who value it. While members of other Houses can also be highly intelligent, (look at Hermione Granger,) it is a Ravenclaw who will go to such lengths to enhance it. This is the reason Hermione is not a Ravenclaw--she would choose bravery over intellect, and after the series devoted her life to serving a cause she believed in; while Helena and Rowena chose to enhance their minds. Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure.
• Helga Hufflepuff’s Cup: The cup brings to mind a sharing of resources. Helga Hufflepuff believed in "taking the lot, and treat[ing] them just the same"--not because her House is "the lot," but because of the Hufflepuff belief in fairness. It's also just described simply as the "Cup," (rather than as a goblet, for example, though admittedly this may have been to prevent confusion with certain other Goblets,)--which, compared to other items, seems a bit lackluster. It's substance that matters here, rather than appearance, and Hufflepuffs are practical. It's one of two House items that actually have a use other than being ornamental, (accepting the Diadem in this situation as a simple tiara and not an intelligence-enhancer,) and Hufflepuff tends to be a very grounded, practical House.
15. Describe the canon house qualities that you feel accurately reflect you. Please try to include traits from each of the four houses.
• Gryffindor: I can be quite open about the causes that I support and the things that outrage me. Granted, I'm not one for confronting people, but given the opportunity, I will talk about why the anti-vaccine movement is the dumbest thing I've ever heard for quite a while. I have also been known to be spontaneous and impatient on occasion, and I like to think that if I were ever in an emergency situation, I would be able to do the brave thing, though I have been fortunate not to have found out for sure yet.
• Slytherin: 99.999% of the time, I won't lie. I see no reason to. Why be dishonest when I can build up your trust and avoid all the mess? It doesn't make any sense. But the other .0001% of the time, I am very thorough about it. Plus, if there are things I really don't want people to know, I will be just as thorough about avoiding any potential hints. I also can't say I'm without ambition--I do have my goals, and I know that certain (mainly educational) steps are required to meet those goals. In making decisions about my future, I have preferred paths, (my dream job would be writing Doctor Who, but we all know how realistic that is,) but I also have more practical alternatives lined up, because really, I don't know that I'll be the one to break the rule, and I'd like to be able to pay my bills.
• Ravenclaw: As I said before, Ravenclaw is not simply about the possession of intelligence and knowledge, but the value placed on it--and I love knowing things. I like learning, and what makes me prouder than anything is being right--just as being wrong will embarrass me very quickly. I place my faith in my intelligence and creativity. I like to figure things out, and I can spend hours trying to find the solution to one simple problem or question. I like to experiment. I prefer to observe others to build an understanding of what is expected before jumping in myself, because thinking about it is the only way I'm ever going to understand what is expected. I become obsessed with a topic and won't stop until I know everything about it, often to the point where my friends will tell me to stop talking about the same thing so much. I am also a very logical person--I try to understand the reasons behind rules, (which I will defend when I can see one,) behind the ways other people act, behind the way things work in the world, before making my judgement. I suppose my logic leads me to be a pretty objective person, and a pretty fair one, but I'll get to that next.
• Hufflepuff: I can be very hardworking, especially when it comes to other people and things I have promised them. I try to be helpful when someone is upset or something needs doing. (If nobody else will do it, I'll usually suck it up and get it done.) I am honest and as a rule, I do not break my word or tell secrets that I am trusted with. People deserve better. I believe that everyone deserves basic respect, and a fair chance to prove themselves based on their own words and actions and choices. I will usually volunteer to help when it is needed. I cannot stand people who are rude or reluctant to lend a hand, and I will always try to make things fair. I can also be pretty patient--though I have my fidgety moments, I'm getting good at accepting that some things are out of my control, and that whining about it won't make it happen any faster.
16. Which house do you feel the least affinity towards?
Probably Slytherin. I can be sneaky on occasion, but I try to be fair to other people and accept that nobody is more important than anybody else, no matter how much it helps me. I'm not really much of a climber--I'll take charge of something if I particularly enjoy it, or if I want to see that it gets done right; not just for the sake of having advanced. Achievement for its own sake is not something I find inherently fulfilling, and though I'll work hard for what I want, I can be a bit lazy when it comes to long-term goals, and I'm not really the cunning type when it comes to meeting my ambitions. And those aren't really qualities I look for in other people, either--if someone's happy where they are, I have no right to judge them. And while I think some Slytherins can accept that others aren't big goal-seekers, I think they tend to have a higher regard for people with some direction in their lives.
17. Age: Late teens