Feedback post!

Dec 02, 2010 08:33

We'd really like to hear anything you have to say about the game, whether it be constructive "This is what I think could be improved," or positive "This is what I think is going well." We can't stress enough that this is really for you guys, and so we want to hear EVERYONE'S opinion. Because everyone's opinion is important to us.

Here are some points for you to consider.

Events: A while back we announced that we'd be cutting down almost completely on crack events and castle shenaniganry, which I believe was widely regarded as a good move. How do you guys feel about that now that it's been a few months? Outside of TYL, events have been mostly school-based, such as the dance and the magic fair. Do you enjoy those type of events, or would you like to see different ones?

Do you enjoy large-scale planning events such as TYL, and would you like to see more of those? (Although obviously not more than once every few months, as they are rather heavily involved.) Would you rather see smaller-scale, but still magical events once every few weeks?

Also don't forget about the plot and event post, if you have an event that you'd like to share that you think would be fun!

Logs: The mods have been kind of saturating the logs comm lately, and noticing that we seem to be getting fewer and fewer returns. Of course, that could be because November and December are slower months for RP in general, but what do you guys think? Should we continue to have common room and class logs every alternate week, or should we reduce them to twice a month?

The dance log was fairly popular, but the magic fair log got almost no response, even though it was a popular topic for journal posts. In terms of events like that, would you rather have no logs at all, and just use your character journals (players of course would still have the option to make their own logs), or have we just been posting too many logs in general?

Thirdly, how do you guys feel about the staff and prefect meeting logs? Are you guys interested in them at all, or should we not continue with them. And if we do continue, what could the mods do to encourage discussion between the staff/between the prefects? You guys didn't like it when we had Dumbledore introduce the topics, but when we gave the topics in bulleted list form, not that many people seemed to use them (in fact, it sometimes seems more like a staff lounge log than a staff meeting).

Dumbledore: Let's talk about the man himself. Do you like it when he posts? Do you think he should post more? Is there anything else we could do with him that you guys think would be fun or interesting? (Also, don't forget that Dumbledore has a mailbox that your characters are welcome to contact him at.)

Clubs: You guys seem to have forgotten about this one. Is there anything that we mods can do to make clubs more entertaining and engaging? Or is it just a question of not being sure how to organize club activities and posts?

Player plots: We love player plots. We especially love player plots that affect more than just the players who came up with them! But unfortunately, they don't seem to happen all too often. Are you guys intimidated by the plot request post, or do you feel restricted by the setting? And what can we do as mods to help foster unique and engaging player plots?

The War: What can we do with the war? It's been going on since March, but it's hard to have it affect characters within the safety of Hogwarts. Does anyone have any ideas on how we can make the war more real, without having Death Eaters come bursting out of the walls? Things that would affect your characters indirectly, such as rationing, or getting letters from home.

EDIT: A lot of you are commenting on difficulties for getting CR as a teacher, and we definitely see that. We're all currently wracking our brains trying to come up with ways to encourage more student-teacher interaction without either party's love life having to become involved. So if anyone (whether you play a teacher character or not) has an idea that they think could help in that direction, please don't hesitate to share!

You don't have to address all of these points, or even any of them, but we really would like to see as much feedback as possible.

Anon is enabled, and will be considered just as legitimate as logged-in posts (providing it says something more constructive than "Y'ALL SUCK AND YOUR GAME SUCKS," of course). IP logging is on, but we'd only ever check it in the unlikely event of anon trolling (trust me, we are way too lazy to hunt you down). So please, don't be shy.

mod post, survey

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