ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/59765753.html The above is a link to a post on Oh No They Didn't. In it they talk about abusive relationships. They talk about Bella and Jake too. They are saying he is abusive. I don't believe that. He was just showing Bella that she was in love with him, and would rather her die then have her end up a vampire.
The talk
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That being said... it's actually an easier and more understanding wank than the first kiss. (Well, the first kiss IF you include the after conversation thereof.)
*coughs* *cracks knuckles*
You're an idiot. You're such a fucking idiot. You've believed all this time that you were making progress, that there was still a chance -- if not a chance for the two of you then at least a chance she wouldn't bleed herself dry for that leech, though let's be honest, those two problems are so tied together than they're now basically the same ( ... )
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It's also my version and I've stuck to your stories the past year so that's nothing new.
Also, quite honestly, Bella is as abusive and cruel as anyone in these novels, not that that excuses retaliation...but, I mean, there's really only so much you can take before it becomes self-defense in a way. If someone walks up to you and starts poking you with a little stick and just won't stop, you're eventually going to lash out.
That reaction is human. It's not like the creepy calculated shit Edward does. My mouth fell open when I read the bit where he messes with her car so she can't go see Jacob (but oh yes, of course, he would be okay if Bella picked Jacob because he just couldn't hurt her like that). Kill me with a rusty spoon. Please. And, I mean, SHE CAN BUCKLE HER OWN GODDAMN SEATBELT. If you want an inflatable doll, the store is that way.
YES. Thank you.
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That's how much your life is worth to her.
That part drove me NUTS in that scene. Seriously, Bella believes -- truly believes -- that doing this is going to save Jacob. And she stands there and refuses to kiss him back. I mean, come on. His life isn't worth one real kiss? Bitch.
AUs are much happier.
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