Name: Josie
Personal LJ: plessur
Contact Info: private message 'plessur', please!
Other Characters Played: Suikoden II :: Millie
bridesearching Preferred Housing: None.
Character Name: Koakuma
Character Series: Touhou Project
Character Age: Unknown; a devil, so maybe in the higher double digits, but since she has the appearance of a young girl, we'll say she's still a child devil.
Background: is very, very little information known on Koakuma. On what can be said for her history is guess work. It's safe to say that she works as a kind of helper/assistant in Patchouli Knowledge's library given her location when you fight her. The location of this library is in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, which more information has been released on ( What we know is that the mansion once came from the world outside of Gensokyo, and whether she became part of the work force there before or after the Mansion showed up in Gensokyo, we know that she resides in there like other workers for the family.
A picture of the library: at that mess.
The Scarlet Devil Mansion hadn't always been part of Gensokyo. Before that it was situated in the world outside of Gensokyo's border, but a strange event, one not yet known, is said to have caused it to be moved over to Genoskyo. Nevertheless, it wasn't until after their arrival to the setting that Koakuma became part of the working force at the mansion. Before then, she had been one of the tiny devils from the underground land of Makai - basically, Hell.
For in Gensokyo, vampires are considered fairly high up on the power chain ( The Scarlet Devil Mansion hadn't always been part of Gensokyo, but it soon fitted in with its needs for various events (that weren't always announced) which required, as much as maintenance for the whole of the house did, staff. A large part of the working force is known to be fairies, but other species in the Mansion aren't unheard of, with the gatekeeper being a youkai, the head maid a human, and Patchouli Knowledge, the one who would become Koakuma's superior and who Koakuma would become a familiar to.
So, Koakuma would've become a member of this place. There's no indication as to why or how Koakuma did in canon, but speaking to Patchouli's player, we like to follow the idea (based on a fan story) that Koakuma was summoned to the mansion by Patchouli after Remilia's desire for a big, large devil from Makai (that had been sealed off after the events of
Mystic Square). Remilia, in canon, is known for doing things on a fancy, like even having a rocket built to go to the moon. Unfortunately, this fancy of hers didn't go to plan, as instead of a big, strong devil? They got Koakuma. It was a failure, but without any easy way to go back to Makai, Koakuma was stuck.
And this is how she became a library assistant for Patchouli, having nowhere else to go. She had never done such a job before, living a mostly easy life with little much else to do than prat around, but she did have some good sides to her that made her suitable for this job. Mainly, a good enough speed and strength to carry books with - though even for her, the size of the books and the amount Patchouli would want took her arms a while to get used to. She also has a good eye for locating, too. The more familiar she was with a book and their place, the more easier it was for Koakuma to find that book. She couldn't tell them by the contents inside, the magic being too advanced for her to understand, but she soon became accustomed to the covers, the titles, and the way things would be ordered. ... even if she would end up making a mess of them by disorganising them or putting them back in the wrong place. It was that, in the end, as long as she didn't damage the book, she was fine.
And she knows how to make a great cup of tea, too.
The reason I believe she would need to be good enough at her job is to keep it. Patchouli is someone with not the best of help, so in her place Koakuma would be acting as her extra pair of wings. It's a large library that Patchouli may have put together mostly all by herself, but it might be reasonable enough to say that she needs the help to maintain it to make life easier for her. While the fairies are plentiful, they're a race considered reeeallly childish, so might not be all that appreciated in such a special place to Remilia Scarlet's best friend. Not only that, but without the library and the mansion, Koakuma would be left out on a world on her own. It's like kicking out a puppy.
So, reason for attacking the player in Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil? Why not. It's likely that she heard all the trouble being caused and figured, seeing that it was a human, that she would be good enough to take down that trouble herself. She's not against getting into fights, and she was sure Miss Patchouli wouldn't want to deal with all the trouble. Unfortunately, Marisa and Reimu are not normal humans and beat her easy. Being in a library surrounded by magical books didn't do much for her danmaku strengths.
Makai: Since it's stated that devils mostly inhabit Makai (, I'm assuming that's where she once came from.
Strength: Being Stage 4 Midboss that's noted as not really having any importance, it's for this reason I don't see her being overly strong. Probably good enough strength in her arms from all the book carrying and whatever else carrying, but she's nothing special.
Fairies: 'Many fairies are employed by Remilia Scarlet as maids in order to clean the mansion, and they're overseen by the head maid, Sakuya Izayoi. The maids don't appear to be very useful, however, since they are just fairies. '
Article on faeries and
where the quote is from.
Personality: (because of the little information available for this character, I will try explaining my headcanon and attempting to match it up to any known behaviours.)
Carefree, mischievous, and thoughtless. This is what we're given about her and helps us to shape up an idea of the kind of person (or devil) Koakuma is.
Her kind, devils, are considered a strong species in the land of Gensokyo, but this isn't what Koakuma. She's on of the weaker kinds and, going by the attributes we know about her, could mean that she would only be considered a child devil. Young, lazy at times, but with enough energy to help take care of a library and then some spare over to be at times mischievous, my interpretation of Koakuma is that she's a simple devil with talents that are... simple to match.
The fact she works in a library rumoured to be the biggest one in all of Gensokyo, and for the 'dark and taciturn' Patchouli Knowledge shouldn't be skipped over. Her mischievous personality wouldn't be one that she would use against Patchouli or any of the Scarlet family members, but could be easily reserved for the other workers in the mansion (like, say, the faeries that she's compared to that work there, too). I say this because of the kind of power that the members of the mansion have, but also because of Patchouli's mentioned personality.
Though her thoughtless and easygoing way may still cause troubles for herself in the library, but nothing that she wouldn't want to fix up. Outside the library and the Scarlet family, however, her carefree personality would show itself the most, and she would be way more relaxed about getting around to doing whatever she's meant to. There's nothing to say from the three words used to describe her that she would go out of her way to do any hard word if she didn't need to. She already works in a large library! Isn't that enough?
My interpretation of her is also of someone who can become flustered or easily trolled if she's not careful. Being thoughtless, she doesn't always think things through and could be easily made a target if riled up enough, but she can also say things in a way that can sound wrong or be used against her. She likes to act like a good attendant to Patchouli and, while she does try, she still much prefers finding easier way about doing things and getting let off.
Expanded personality:
So, despite having to be a busybody in a large library, Koakuma's gotten used to it enough to be able to find times to mess around. In one cameo of Koakuma, we see her hosting a
beach stand in the library offering up noodles (You can't let yourself be trapped by common sense in Gensokyo, right?), and another where she's standing still and formally after serving tea for Patchouli and her guest. It shows both her working side, but also another side where she can relax and have fun.
When she's bored, she can be the most mischievous of all. She wouldn't be inclined to play tricks on her superiors, but anyone like humans or fairies (probably fairies more at the mansion, but Mayfield would have enough humans!) are fair game. I feel, by my interpretation of her, she wouldn't be the type to play really elaborate tricks. It would be small stuff, like dunking water on someone or making serving around spicy food in the most innocent forms.
Koakuma does have good points. When she actually becomes attached to something, she can put a lot of time into it and show her true hard-working side. It's a side that doesn't come out much unless there's something serious going on, such as if Patchouli requires her to really get moving.
When it comes to Patchouli, she is willing to put her most into it, even if she talks at times like she's bored and doesn't find her job very interesting. In the time they've had together, Patchouli has become a dear person to her, someone she wouldn't mind serving forever. She looks up to her for her amount of knowledge and her smarts, wishing at times that she could match up. Koakuma does, however, feel a pride that she's able to give support to this magician that she finds above her.
To the others in the mansion, she doesn't have such a close relationship to. She spends all her time in the library most of the time. Remilia has Sakuya, Flandre has her basement, Meiling has her gate... These are relationships I don't want to make too many assumptions on, but I do imagine she would treat them with respect.
Being largely stuck indoors, Koakuma isn't used to the outside world. For a long while, the outside world was even just the library itself until it finally became a home for her. She would be curious a lot by the things in Mayfield - how it runs, how it looks, the people in it. She would be as curious as she is playful, probably even willing to give anything new a go at least once.
So, for a summary of her overall personality, Koakuma is a little devil who likes to have fun. She's not very serious, but she can be hard-working and can do what she's told, even though if sometimes this means she'll much prefer taking the easy way of things. She can be lazy, but can have spontaneous times of wanting to see something to the end.
Abilities: This section may end up being optional for you. If your character has any abilities or powers, such as magic, they'll be taken away upon arrival in Mayfield. These will come back over time, though.
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