Title: All That Comes After (read it
Author name:
pamymex3girlArtist name:
soserendipityGenre: SPN Gen
Rating: PG
Word count: 14,955
Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers up to the season 8 finale ("Sacrifice"). Specific spoilers for season 4's "Rapture" and season 8's "Goodbye Stranger". Some quotes from the "Rapture" episode.
Summary: Claire Novak is born on a Thursday. So is her father for that matter. One day an angel comes down from the heaven's above, all light and peace and promise, and takes her father and just walkes away. This is all that comes after. A story of Claire's journey to accept what happened to her family and maybe move on.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own ideas. No money made, no insult intended. This is purely fictional.
Artist's Notes: Created for
Special thanks to my art betas
cosmo_naught and
lightthesparks for their encouragement, hand-holding, and invaluable advice. Even more special thanks to the adorable
reapertownusa, who - besides hosting this amazing event and thus enabling me to bask in the presence of unbelievably talented artists and authors - shows a level of devotion to this fandom and the people in it that goes above and beyond. I feel honored to have taken part in this.
Since this is my first venture into the art side of things, concrit is most welcome.
If you like what you see, please head over to the
story and leave the author some love, without her words there'd be nothing here. Alas, the lovely
pamymex3girl did write and so there is art.