Title: No One Mourns The Wicked
necroraRating: PG
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, wicked things
Artist's Notes: This was created for round 3 of
artpaperscissor for
necrora's prompt "no one mourns the wicked". Further notes below.
Art under the cut. )
Comments 61
On a completely unrelated note, man, Sam looks hot in the ref photo.
I'm happy that you think it fits the musical and that you like the mood and the details. Thanks again for the great beta! And yes, I really like that shot of Jared, too. I think it's a promo picture for season two so I tried to age him a bit, but it's wonderful source material to work with.
I'm too afraid to sign up for a challenge yet because when I draw I'm as slow as a wet week. If I tried something with as much detail as this it would take me weeks!
The final version is nothing I'd be comfortable posting if it had been part of a collaboration, either, lol. But now I'm really glad I fought through it and I think for a day, it's not too bad. My usual art sets take weeks or even months, too, I think that's normal for us newbies ;).
You totally should sign up for a challenge, though! I'm sure you'll surprise yourself whith what you'll be able to do for it. How about RBB, that's still a long way till submissions and you can even choose your own content? Also, if you have questions re:GIMP, let me know. I'd be glad to help.
Thank you very much for organizing this! Now I can't wait to see what the rest will come up with :).
Thank you for your lovely comment, I'm so happy that the mood comes across and that all of it came together quite neatly for you! ♥.
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