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drivingcrazy ● Leave your comment here, saying “Interview me.”
● & then I respond, asking five questions.. 0:
● & then you update your LJ with the answers to the questions....
● You gotta include these rules as well, and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
● Keep it rolling!
Comments 10
1. What is your biggest fear?
2. Is there any food you absolutely cannot stand?
3. If you had do pick another career, what would you choose?
4. What's the strangest dream you've ever had?
5. What's your favorite animal?
02. Nope!  ̄ヘ ̄ Once I ate cold noodles that had been left out overnight.
03. Acting, maybe? ^^ If I can git roles that show off my amazing side instead of my weaknesses..
04. Aigoo. ㅋㅋ This is more difficult than the questions I gave you. Probably when I dreamed about my brother.
05. Cats are great.
( ... )
2. What is your least favorite flavor?
3. What's the worst nightmare you've ever had?
4. If you had to choose between being deaf of blind, which would you pick?
5. What is something you know you do differently than most people?
2. What is a smell that you absolutely can't stand?
3. If you had to pick a job outside of the entertainment industry to do for the rest of your life, what would it be?
4. What thing have you not done that you would really love to do?
5. What is one of your favorite indulgences?
1. Where are our couple shirts?
2. When are you going to make more time for me?
3. Why is the sky blue? I like purple better.
4. Who is your favorite super hero and why?
5. What is one fear you haven't been able to overcome yet?
1. We're cooler than that.. we have couple slippers!!
2. I am a magician, time can be magically brought to you!
3. Because if the sky was purple, your favourite colour would be blue... that is how life works..
4. I like Ironman. He is funny and smart. :B
5. I have a fear of ghosts..
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