Luc looks like
this! That is to say, he has nondescript black pants and a brown tunic, with a black and green overcoat. He doesn't always wear the coat, but the main thing here is:
1) he wears clothes that are fairly utilitarian - all told he probably shouldn't be wearing the uniform at all but whateverr.
2) he is just about ALWAYS wearing his gloves. ALWAYS. Unless he's taken them off for a specific purpose. If he needs to remove them, it's only the left hand, the right glove stays on.
Habits/mannerisms/body language:
Luc is very comfortable standing. He's used to being in front of people, both because of his experience in the previous wars and also due to his experience as a bishop. He doesn't care if you watch him when he's out doing things but if he doesn't want to be seen... he won't. Lol teleportation.
When Luc stands, he isn't relaxed. He just looks stiff and rather bored, most of the time. He doesn't do a lot of extra hand motions or mannerisms or anything if he can avoid it. He reserves those for when he is using his rune. He will stand there with his hands at his sides, looking a little... maybe awkward isn't the best word, but still. He is not touchy feely and while he doesn't care if you are, if you get too annoying he will probably say or do something to get you away.
Generally speaking, Luc will look and act fairly indifferent unless you give him a reason not to be.
Current Residence:
Retarded Suikoden Tenkai/Tenkan cabin, gg Luc. *note to self: he has moved out of Boys 8.
Typical Daily Routine:
Luc gets up from the, oh. 15 minutes of sleep he has managed to get that night, if he's lucky. He goes out early just to sit for a while. When the mess hall opens for breakfast, he normally DOES go get something to eat. Something mostly bland, like oatmeal. Whether he eats again depends on if he's feeling like it. MOST OF THE TIME, no
Then he leaves again, just to. kick around. And pretend not to keep checking the damn tablet rargh. He takes this time to find a quiet spot and like. not die. But to write letters that will never go anywhere. Sometime during this, he finds time to do Hugo's lessons, not every day, but every once in a while.
Then he goes to sit at the tablet and be brooding and antisocial. Yes, he SITS there, screw you.
Favorite Haunts:
Tablet. Yes tablet.
Does he make his own bed?:
Like every good Seer's apprentice, duh.
Though it helps that he rarely GETS IN IT